Restored Quotes
Many men on the point of an edifying death would be furious if they were suddenly restored to health.
Cesare Pavese
A shocked sense of justice has to be removed and justice restored.
Ndabaningi Sithole
But Golden's dark form in the doorway had imprinted something new and painful on the hard plates of her chest: that old devil, hope. The kind of hope that abandons you in your worst moments and is suddenly there again, weeks later, trailing you like the stubborn, slinking dog who will not take no for an answer. The kind of greedy hope that tricks you into believing that at least some of the things taken from you might be restored, that after everything, you might find your way back to something like happiness.
Brady Udall
The foundations of the world will be shaky until the moral props are restored.
Anne O'Hare McCormick
Faith will not be restored in the West because people believe it to be useful. It will return only when they find that it is true.
Barbara Mary Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth
Nevertheless, the central affirmation of the Reformation stands: through no merit of ours, but by his mercy, WE HAVE BEEN RESTORED to a right relationship with God through the life, death, and resurrection of his beloved Son. This is the Good News, the gospel of Grace
Brennan Manning
Once the Mass is restored to its rightful place, we will again see choirs being developed.
Richard Morris
I think that the balance needs to be restored, and I would note that in the camp in which I am in, one finds libraries, universities, the Internet industry, the manufacturers of digital media, and consumers.
Rick Boucher
Church should be a place where love is evident, God delivers, lives are changed, hearts are healed, and families restored.
David Walker
We in Israel certainly have a great interest in seeing peace, stability, and security restored to Egypt. We want nothing more than peace for the Egyptian people. We're not going to get involved in how Egypt, how the Egyptians should run themselves. That's an internal Egyptian affair.
Michael Oren