Walrus Quotes
Yoko brought the walrus, there was magic in the air.
I was the walrus, but now I am John. And so my friends, you'll just have to carry on. The dream is over.
Busy yourselves with this, you damned walruses, while the rest of use proceed with the libretto.
I am the eggman They are the eggmen! I am the walrus!
I'm betting Cinderella didn't feel this foolish, but then again, Cinderella wasn't as clumsy as an intoxicated walrus.
The surprise is on the far side." "You're sure?" "Positive." "It better not be another fairy," Seth said. "What's the matter with fairies?" "I've already seen about a billion of them and also they turned me into a walrus.
We don't care what that bug-eyed fat walrus has to say.
There is not one thing that's Beatle music. How can they talk about it like that? What is Beatle music? Walrus or Penny Lane? Which? It's too diverse: I Want to Hold Your Hand or Revolution Number Nine?