Faced Quotes
Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage.
Sometimes, the wicked will tell us things just to confuse us–to haunt our thoughts long after we've faced them.
When faced with a mountain, I WILL NOT QUIT! I will keep on striving until I climb over, find a pass through, tunnel underneath, or simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine with God's help!
We are proud of that ballpark. One of the best venues in baseball. They faced the possibility of leaving and came to us to help them and we stepped up to the plate and, we think, we hit a corporate home run.
Faced with a choice between the survival of the planet and a new set of matching tableware, most people would choose the tableware.
When I would knock about the town in London, I was doing it with my head down, walking very quickly and it had become the norm for me because I'm recognized there. And people are not unkind but occasionally there's a sort of British who do you think you are sort of, I don't really think I'm anybody. I just go about my normal day. But sometimes you're faced with that.
The work of restoration cannot begin until a problem is fully faced.
I couldn't be two faced. If I had two faces, I wouldn't wear this one.
There was specific constitutional provision for emergency measures in the case that Abraham Lincoln faced - an insurrection - which no other president has faced.
Sam faced something he had never conceived of in all his life—the triumph of calumny.
If I had ever really 'faced the facts' about myself, I never would have reached for even a zillionth of what I've managed to accomplish.
Any kind of business or start-up you have, you're going to be faced with a lot of people who maybe don't believe in it or see the vision or just say no.
There can be no unified southeastern Europe without Yugoslavia, and everything else is a continuation of political blackmail with which the Serb people and Yugoslavia were faced all these years.
We, the generation that faces the next century, can add the solemn injunction 'If we don't do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.'
The burden of Karma is heavy. All alike have heavy debts to pay. Yet none, so the Wisdom teaches, is ever faced with more than he can bear. Whether or not we can grin, we must bear it, and it is folly to attempt to run away.
The sooner one faced a problem the sooner one got it behind one.
Faced with the election of a Catholic, our culture is at stake.
People always claimed to want such things when they faced the harsh light of judgment. With the prospect of punishment looming over their heads, they would promise anything.