Running Away Quotes
Seems like we were always running away from President Obama or trying to undo what he's done.
Ted Yoho
Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting.
Finley Peter Dunne
Whilst I may not actually help anyone to retaliate, I must not let a coward seek shelter behind nonviolence so-called. Not knowing the stuff of which nonviolence is made, many have honestly believed that running away from danger every time was a virtue compared to offering resistance, especially when it was fraught with danger to one's life. As a teacher of nonviolence I must, so far as it is possible for me, guard against such an unmanly belief.
Mahatma Gandhi
Hello, my sister, Libby, also your daughter, is snogging a potato in my bed. What are you going to do about it?' Dad started yelling uncontrollably. I wonder if he is having the male menopause? If he starts growing breasts, I will definitely be running away with the Circus.
Louise Rennison
Here is my recipe for a mood enhancer. Take a friend, preferably one with a really annoying fringe and outsize pants, and when she is rambling on swiftly, push her into a ditch and run away.
Louise Rennison
Nonviolence does not admit of running away from danger... . Between violence and cowardly flight I can only prefer violence to cowardice.
Mahatma Gandhi
You will wonder how it was possible for me to endure the same kind of “tomorrow the world” talk that had sent me running away from Hainburg. The answer is simply that I had run out of places to run away to. Surrounded by a population that had been completely sold on monstrous ideas, I simply retreated down, down, down, trying to live in imitation of the German writer Erich Kästner, whom I had always admired and who responded to the Nazi years with what was called “internal emigration.” The soul withdrew to a rational silence. The body remained there in the madness.
Edith Hahn Beer
Running away for fear of death, leaving one's dear ones, temples or music to take care of themselves, is irreligion; it is cowardice.
Mahatma Gandhi
Amanda thought about her addiction to being on the move. about whether she was running away or running toward.
Elizabeth Noble
It's undeniable there's been remarkable progress for African-Americans in this country. They've been elected senators and governors and running major corporations. But obviously we still have a long way to go.
Dana Bash
When I first met you, I felt a kind of contradiction in you. You’re seeking something, but at the same time, you are running away for all you’re worth.
Haruki Murakami
When someone is trying very hard to get something, they don't. And when they're running away from something as hard as they can, it usually catches up with them.
Haruki Murakami