Admits Quotes
I am looking for the human who admits his flaws Who shocks the adversary By being kinder not stronger What would that be like?
But the censorship itself admits that it is not an end in itself, that it is not a good in and of itself, that it is therefore based on the principle that “the end sanctifies the means.” But an end that needs unholy means is not a holy end.81 Besides, Marx argues, the maxim always works both ways as a justification: if the censorship can plead the goodness of its ends as justification for what it does, then so can the (antigovernmental) press.
Defeat never comes to any man until he admits it.
I think she understates in favour of her own sex the inequality which she admits to exist between the male and female intellect.
Nature admits no lie.
Many a man can save himself if he admits he's done wrong and takes his punishment.
All the satires of the stage should be viewed without discomfort. They are public mirrors, where we are never to admit that we seeourselves; one admits to a fault when one is scandalized by its censure.
Definition of a Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie, but admits than under analysis some of them won't stand up either.
Perhaps one could say I've worked in South Africa too long, but I believe in forgiveness, especially when a person admits a mistake, asks for forgiveness, and works to right a wrong.
And often he who has chosen the fate of the artist because he felt himself to be different soon realizes that he can maintain neither his art nor his difference unless he admits that he is like the others. The artist forges himself to the others, midway between the beauty he cannot do without and the community he cannot tear himself away from.