History Quotes
Sweetheart, I'm the biggest ripped-off cartoonist in the history of the world, and that's all I'm going to say.
Ralph Bakshi
The Re-Up Gang mixtapes are going down in history, man. I still listen to them in my car, and the 'Hell Hath No Fury' album. I tell people all the time that I'll never make another album like that one again. Never!
Terrence LeVarr Thornton
To understand a science it is necessary to know its history.
Auguste Comte
If there be a mind that, not perceiving in the narratives we have compared the fingermarks of tradition, and hence the legendary character of these evangelical anecdotes, still leans to the historical interpretation, whether natural or supernatural; that mind must be alike ignorant of the true character both of legend and of history, of the natural and the supernatural.
David Friedrich Strauss
Blended-reality technology could play in a limited, walled-garden world, but history suggests that it won't really take off until it offers broad freedom of use.
Jamais Cascio
Blood alone moves the wheels of history.
Martin Luther
I'm trying to make a case for those people who don't have a sense of belonging that they should have, that there is something really worthwhile in having a sense of belonging, and recasting and looking at our modern history.
Billy Bragg
'No one sits Baby in a corner,' one of the best lines in movie history.
Christine Quinn
Having worked on 'The Hour,' I now feel like I spend my whole time interrogating history.
Abi Morgan
In history, we are concerned with what has been and what is; in philosophy, however, we are concerned not with what belongs exclusively to the past or to the future, but with that which is, both now and eternally - in short, with reason.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
He knew, better than the cynic, that if you look out over the arc of history, human beings should be filled not with fear but with hope.
Barack Obama
Today, as we look back on the history of our nation and take note of how far we have come as a people, we are reminded that we owe a great debt to those who fought valiantly for the freedoms that we easily take for granted.
Sam Brownback
All normal human beings are interested in their past. Only when the interest becomes an obsession, overshadowing present and future conduct, is it a danger. In much the same way healthy nations are interested in their history, but a morbid preoccupation with past glories is a sign that something is wrong with the constitution of the State.
C. V. Wedgwood
Can we ignore what is going on around us, can we disconnect ourselves, our own material situation, our spiritual selves, who we are, can we disconnect that from history and the social context of our lives? The older I get, the more I'm convinced that we cannot, that we are social creatures.
Martin Donovan
Because Fascism is a lie, it is condemned to literary sterility. And when it is past, it will have no history, except the bloody history of murder.
Ernest Hemingway
In America we have a Declaration of Independence, but our history, our advancements, our global strength all point to an American declaration of interdependence.
Cory Booker