Opponents Quotes
When the identity is realized, I as swordsman see no opponent confronting me and threatening to strike me. I seem to transform myself into the opponent, and every movement he makes as well as every thought he conceives are felt as if they were my own and I intuitively...know when and how to strike him.
The John Birch Society is not ultra-conservative, communist-hating, and racist as opponents paint it.
Conquering evil, not the opponent, is the essence of swordsmanship.
At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.
I look in the mirror, my only opponent
With a 12-game regular-season in effect, we want to play seven home games each year. You would rather play opponents within the state that people are familiar with and can identify with than play a school with no name recognition. Financially, it's a win-win situation for everyone in the state.
True ahimsa should wear a smile even on a deathbed brought about by an assailant. It is only with that ahimsa that we can befriend our opponents and win their love.
I don't look at computers as opponents. For me it is much more interesting to beat humans.
When I'm training, I cater a little bit to my opponents.
Even if you play perfectly, a fault of your opponent's can destroy the entire beauty of the game.
The regime kept saying that all of my opponents are lackeys of the United States. We used to say that this is all lie, that we are lackeys of the United States.
We become distracted from productive labors by our perceived opponents; we become focused on them and not on our larger calling to advance our nation; our debate becomes more about scoring points against an adversary and less about advancing our common cause.
I definitely want to show how beautiful the marathon can be. I am the opponent of all those who find the marathon bad: the psychologists, the physiologists, the doubters. I make the marathon beautiful for myself and for others. That's why I'm here.
It doesn't matter how much more you have in your bank; if 50,000 people show up to your opponents' rallies and you only have a few hundred people, it says a lot about what the people of America are ready to do.
Go my favorite sports team go! Score a goal. Unit. Basket. Go squadron! Defeat the opponents soundly in this...skirmish.
In randori we learn employ the principle of maximum efficiency even when we could easily overpower an opponent.
The task is not to overcome opponents in general but only those opponents against whom one has to summon all one's strength, one's skill and one's swordsmanship-in fact to master opponents who are one's equals.
In Randori we teach the pupil to act on the fundamental principles of Judo, no matter how physically inferior his opponent may seem to him, and even if by sheer strength he can easily overcome him; because if he acts contrary to principle his opponent will never be convinced of defeat, no matter what brute strength he may have used.
It is a gross overstatement, but in chess, it can be said I play against my opponent over the board and against myself on the clock.
We do not have time to play at "oppositions" at "conferences." We will keep our political opponents... whether open or disguised as "nonparty," in prison.
A book full of brilliance imparts some of it even to its opponents.
After you work out, you have your dog with you. There's no better companion. You've got to have a friend. I didn't like opponents who had dogs with them. Because you know they had a little edge. They have a friend
Every time you play a hand differently from the way you would have played it if you could see all your opponents' cards, they gain; and every time you play your hand the same way you would have played it if you could see all their cards, they lose. Conversely, every time opponents play their hands differently from the way they would have if they could see all your cards, you gain; and every time they play their hands the same way they would have played if they could see all your cards, you lose.
The worse the coming future, the more it should motivate its opponents.