Putting Quotes
Find your authentic voice, become vulnerable, and then put yourself out there.
I fully credit my family for keeping me grounded and for putting me back in line whenever necessary.
I don't really be putting no limitations or projections on myself. I just go do it.
They've chosen the appropriate time to discuss it is now. I think what they're doing is negotiating. They're putting out a maximal position.
I like taking things apart and putting them back together. Tinkering. I'd be a professional tinkerer. Tinkerbell. I think that's what they're called.
For artists, we're always looking for approval. We're putting our artwork out there and saying, 'What do you think?'
These were songs that we?d been writing and collecting over the years. Some of them we actually thought about putting on previous albums. But we didn't want to make it seem like they were filler tracks or novelties in the middle of a rock record. We felt like they were too important for that.
I like putting common expressions next to uncommon expressions. I'm sure in Poetry 101 there is a name for it, but it seems like you usually go one way or the other in rock music.
I will be putting out a fragrance - I'm following in the great steps of Puff Daddy.
Putting the shoe on the wrong foot.
The mechanics of putting one spot of color next to another, that is the fundamental thing.
Half of science is putting forth the right questions.
I’ve heard Max Merkel is putting me forward to coach Austria. I’ll only do it if I get Merkel as my kit man.
Some friends putting out goodness!
For any country - and that includes Mexico and the U.S. - having good, robust relationships with crucial allies and neighbors, that's putting your country first.
I'm for catching every Japanese in America, Alaska, and Hawai'i now and putting them in concentration camps.
That's what acting is all about - it's all about bringing truth from your own life, and putting it into your characters. If you have the advantage of using your own life in your work, that's always the way to go.
Telling you and putting it on the front pages of the newspapers is just about the same thing!
When I'm on with my putting, I'm as good a putter as there is, probably.
Putting yourself in others’ shoes so as to predict and influence what they will do.
Samuelson, however, hedged his personal bets - by putting some of his own money in Berkshire Hathaway.
There's quite a bit of sense and synergy in putting them together.
Putting together a hit record is like putting together a puzzle.
While we can all access articles and information in so many places now - across blogs, in newspapers, on video - there is something very powerful about putting it all together into an edited format in a single issue that has a narrative stretching across the themes.