Writing Quotes
God is my witness that I have never taught or preached that which false witnesses have testified against me. He knows that the great object of all my preaching and writing was to convert men from sin. In the truth of that gospel which hitherto I have written, taught and preached, I now joyfully die.
I think it's just a lack of ability, we're incapable of writing hits.
I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.
I work hard, whether it comes to writing for my own project or another artist.
I'm not buying a boat because of writing skits.
Take '39 Steps'. When I finished writing it, I counted the number of measures in the composition. I always do this because I am interested in the length of a song. So I counted this one a couple of times because 39 is an unusual number of measures for a song.
I will say you could always look at 'Looney Tunes' and learn about writing. I think you can learn a lot about the beats of comedy. I think you can find out about awkward pauses, because I think they did those well.
I love writing about men. To get by in the world you have to know how men think. Not that all guys think alike, but women tend to think about more things at the same time, an overgeneralization, but I find it easier to make my male characters focus than I do my female characters.
I think you get so wrapped up in the book you're currently writing, it's hard to think about anything else. But I know as soon as I'm done with this book, I'll move on to something else.
I spend a lot of time in my bed. It's a good comfy one with a tartan bedspread. It's the only place I can read without straining my neck, and I take an afternoon nap, which is my reward for making enough money from my writing now not to have to work. I never get up in the morning before 11.30.
Writing is a strange and solitary activity.
There is only one way to defeat the enemy, and that is to write as well as one can. The best argument is an undeniably good book.
I had never really thought of myself as a writer; any writing I had done was just to give myself something to draw.
Good crime writing holds up a mirror to the readers and reflects in a darker light the world in which they live.
If your way of life is writing, then everything that happens becomes a sentence.
Even if I knew for certain that I would never have anything published again, and would never make another cent from it, I would still keep on writing.
I feel very protective in the first draft, when all the pieces are coming together. I work in a way that is not linear or chronological at all, even with the short story. I will just be writing bits and pieces, and then when I have all the pieces on the table, that for me is when it feels like the real work begins.
I had thought of writing, actually, and that later on I'd be a novelist.
The strange thing about writing is that it's so easy to write a novel. It is really easy. But it's getting there to the point where it's easy that's hard. The hard part is to get there.
I have the feeling that a lot of poets writing now are - they sort of tap dance through it.
I prefer to surprise myself as I'm writing. I'm not interested in it if I already know where it's going. So I have only the most general sense of what I'm doing when I start a story. I sometimes have a destination in mind, but how the story is going to go from Point A to Point Z is something I make up as I go along.
I write what I see and whatever inspires me. The energy the earth gives me, what's on my mind, or what's in my heart becomes part of the lyrical content.
'Thank you power' is writing down the moments that are good in your life so that you can go back and reflect on them - so you've got this sort of repository of good stuff in your past.
Recently I read the stories I wrote in my early 20s, to put in a volume. And here is this brittle young woman, writing about marriage as, not the worst thing, but the most boring thing that could happen to a person. Now I think I was wrong. I like to be proven wrong.