Christian Religion Quotes
I feel that segregation is totally unchristian, and that it is against everything the Christian religion stands for.
The Christian religion, though scattered and abroad will in the end gather itself together at the foot of the cross.
There was never law, or sect, or opinion did so much magnify goodness, as the Christian religion doth.
Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.
The Christian religion teaches me two points-that there is a God whom men can know, and that their nature is so corrupt that they are unworthy of Him.
Let the carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education.
To be mistaken in believing that the Christian religion is true is no great loss to anyone; but how dreadful to be mistaken in believing it to be false!
The soul of the Christian religion is reverence.
I would have far more fear of being mistaken, and of finding that the Christian religion was true, than of not being mistaken in believing it true.
Books were at the very heart of the Christian religion—unlike other religions of the empire—from the very beginning. Books recounted the stories of Jesus and his apostles that Christians told and retold; books provided Christians with instruction in what to believe and how to live their lives; books bound together geographically separated communities into one universal church; books supported Christians in their times of persecution and gave them models of faithfulness to emulate in the face of torture and death; books provided not just good advice but correct doctrine, warning against the false teachings of others and urging the acceptance of orthodox beliefs; books allowed Christians to know the true meaning of other writings, giving guidance in what to think, how to worship, how to behave. Books were completely central to the life of the early Christians.
The Christian religion is founded on the belief that Jesus was raised from the dead. And it appears virtually certain that it was Mary Magdalene of all people, an otherwise unknown Galilean Jewish woman of means, who first propounded this belief. It is not at all farfetched to claim that Mary was the founder of Christianity.
But even in the Christian religion, much of its real meaning is hidden by words that are misleading and symbols that but few understand.