Paradoxes Quotes
This is one of the great paradoxes of suffering. Those who don't suffer much think suffering should keep people from God, while many who suffer a great deal turn to God, not from him.
Randy Alcorn
The so-called paradoxes of an author, to which a reader takes exception, often exist not in the author's book at all, but rather in the reader's head.
Friedrich Nietzsche
But I didn't think about this beforehand. I just went ahead and did it, and that's the way it turned out. So I guess there are lots of paradoxes which I'll leave for other people to unscramble.
Bill Reid
Only Christ could build a bridge to God with only two pieces of wood. The Christian life is a life of paradoxes. We must give to receive, realize we are blind to see, become simple to be wise, suffer for gain, and die to live. If I might be the means of saving one soul I should prefer it to all the riches and honor in the world
Asahel Nettleton
A human moment is a term I invented to distinguish in-person communication from electronic. Human moments are exponentially more powerful than electronic ones. I mean face-to-face, in-person contact and communication. I have identified several modern paradoxes and the first is that, for various reasons, we have grown electronically superconnected but we have simultaneously grown emotionally disconnected from each other.
Edward Hallowell
One of the parodoxes of war is that those in the rear want to get up into the fight, while those in the lines want to get out.
Ernie Pyle