Discover Quotes
What differentiates the success stories from the failures is that the successful entrepreneurs had the foresight, the ability, and the tools to discover which parts of their plans were working brilliantly and which were misguided, and adapt their strategies accordingly.
Eric Ries -
You need only examine your present situation to discover unlimited resources and opportunities.
Ari Kiev
The function of the educator is to discover in each individual child the gifts implanted in her by Almighty God and to develop and dedicate them to His service.
Elizabeth Goudge -
That's such a great thing about New York, after growing up in a place and being there for twenty plus years, there's still a whole island to discover.
Steven Strait -
Sudan, I've come to discover, is a country which, once it gets hold of you, does not let go.
Eric Reeves -
That's always the way when you discover something new; everyone thinks you're crazy.
Evelyn E. Smith -
The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.
William Lawrence Bragg -
I revere the fullness of His Scripture, in which He manifests to me both the Creator and creation. In the gospel moreover, I discover a Minister and Witness of the Creator, even His Word.
Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact — everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.
Steve Jobs -
If one looks at a thing with the intention of trying to discover what it means, one ends up no longer seeing the thing itself, but of thinking of the question that is raised.
Rene Magritte -
It is only with the passions of others that we are ever really familiar, and what we come to discover about our own can only be learned from them.
Marcel Proust -
Most people go through life thinking that tomorrow they’re going to do something great. Tomorrow will be the day that they wake up and discover what they were put on this earth to do. But then tomorrow comes—and goes. As does the next day. Before long, they realize that there aren’t that many tomorrows left.
Nick Bilton -
We have to be prepared and willing to discover what is true even at the cost of our comfort. For real security always lies on the side of truth, not on the side of comfort.
Bhikkhu Bodhi -
And yet after thirty years and millions upon millions of dollars’ worth of research, we have failed to find consistent genetic patterns for schizophrenia—or for any other psychiatric illness, for that matter. Some of my colleagues have also worked hard to discover genetic factors that predispose people to develop traumatic stress. That quest continues, but so far it has failed to yield any solid answers.
Bessel van der Kolk
It was only from an inner calm that man was able to discover and shape calm surroundings.
Stephen Gardiner -
If you examine your motive for doing anything, you'll soon discover that your reason is that you believe it will make you happy.
Chris Prentiss -
There will always be something new to discover: a minute moss never found before, a rabbit eating birdseed with the bores on a hungry November day, a bittern that stays only long enough to be remembered.
Ann Zwinger -
For my part, it is not the mystery of the incarnation which I discover in religion, but the mystery of social order, which associates with heaven that idea of equality which prevents the rich from destroying the poor.
Napoleon Bonaparte -
As humans, we have a hunger to discover something new, reach new meaning, understand better the universe and our place in it.
Edward Frenkel -
What is your passion? What have you achieved? What have you done uncommonly well? How are you wired? Where do you belong? What are the “shoulds” that have trailed you during the first half? These and other questions like them will direct you toward the self your heart longs for; they will help you discover the task for which you were especially made.
Bob Buford
I sing, not arms and the hero, but the philosophic man: he who seeks in contemplation to discover the inner will of the world, ininvention to discover the means of fulfilling that will, and in action to do that will by the so-discovered means.
George Bernard Shaw -
Video is hard to discover on the Internet. Web pages are self-describing. Video is opaque; it is a bucket of bits and doesn't tell you much about itself.
Bradley Horowitz -
If the Commander-in-Chief will look beyond the defence forces, he will discover that the real India is not military but peace-loving.
Mahatma Gandhi -
Damasio starts by pointing out the deep divide between our sense of self and the sensory life of our bodies. As he poetically explains, Sometimes we use our minds not to discover facts, but to hide them. . . . One of the things the screen hides most effectively is the body, our own body, by which I mean the ins of it, its interiors. Like a veil thrown over the skin to secure its modesty, the screen partially removes from the mind the inner states of the body, those that constitute the flow of life as it wanders in the journey of each day.
Bessel van der Kolk