Our lIfe Quotes
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.
Mahatma Gandhi -
The great epochs of our life come when we gain the courage to rechristen our evil as what is best in us.
Friedrich Nietzsche
We must beware of one who is in a passion against us as of one who has once sought our life; for the fact that we still live is due to the absence of power to kill, - if looks could kill, we should have been dead long ago.
Friedrich Nietzsche -
The scenes of our life are like pictures done in rough mosaic. Looked at close, they produce no effect. There is nothing beautiful to be found in them, unless you stand some distance off.
Arthur Schopenhauer -
Truth should be the very breath of our life. When once this state in the pilgrim's progress is reached, all other rules of correct living will come without any effort, and obedience to them will be instinctive.
Mahatma Gandhi -
It is only in the microscope that our life looks so big.
Arthur Schopenhauer -
The mysterious complexity of our life is not to be embraced by maxims ... to lace ourselves up in formulas of that sort is to repress all the divine promptings and inspirations that spring from growing insight and sympathy.
George Eliot -
Every person that comes into our life comes for a reason; some come to learn and others come to teach.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
We can regard our life as a uselessly disturbing episode in the blissful repose of nothingness.
Arthur Schopenhauer -
We are all the fools of time and terror: Days Steal on us and steal from us; yet we live, Loathing our life, and dreading still to die.
Lord Byron -
We grope about in the labyrinth of our life and in the obscurity of our investigations; bright moments illuminate our path like flashes of lightning.
Arthur Schopenhauer -
Repentance is the true turning of our life to God, a turning that arises from a pure and earnest fear of Him; and it consists in the mortification of the flesh and the renewing of the Spirit.
John Calvin -
We strive all the time to give our life its form, but we do so by copying willy-nilly, like a drawing, the features of the person that we are and not of the person we should like to be.
Marcel Proust