Parents Quotes
Parents are your teachers until a certain point, and if they don't give you love, you'll go somewhere else to find it.
Marguerite Moreau
My parents thought they were getting an accountant and a lawyer. Instead, they ended up with a PR and an actress.
Gemma Chan
My earliest memories are of my brother, pointing the home video camera at me and saying, "C'mon, Ange, give us a show!" Neither of my parents ever said, "Be quiet! Stop talking!" I remember my father looking me in the eye and asking, "What are you thinking? What are you feeling?" That's what I do in my job now - I say. "OK, how do I feel about this?" And I immediately know, because that's how I grew up.
Angelina Jolie
My parents were not formally educated. Both were cognizant of the importance of education. The teachers and ministers were the role models, and they would say, you should want to be like Miss Gardiner, you should want to be like Mr. Freeman, or be like your dad. Shun the people who don't value education.
David C. Driskell
I focused on my career. I grew up super Christian, both my parents are ministers, so I did a purity ceremony when I was a teenager.
Jessica Williams
When I was a child in the 1940s and early 1950s, my parents and grandparents spoke of Britain as home, and New Zealand had this strong sense of identity and coherence as being part of the commonwealth and a the identity of its people as being British.
Michael King
No boy owes his parents. Parents owe their children everything, always and unconditionally, and that’s just the way it goes.
Craig Davidson
Think about it. Right now, a whole generation of young (customers) in the United States has been brought up to take computers for granted. Pointing a mouse is no more mysterious to them than hitting the "on" button on the television is to their parents.
Andy Grove
If children can't handle competition when it's necessary, or take some criticism, or never strive to be better because their parents inadvertently programmed them to believe they are already the best even when they're not, then they are in for some serious shocks and bumps down the road.
LZ Granderson
Don't thank your parents. If you were raised in a nurturing environment, you wouldn't be in show business. Don't say, 'Wow, this is heavy.' Of course it's heavy. It contains the shattered dreams of four other people.
Conan O'Brien
I just always knew I wanted to be an actor. I gave my Emmy acceptance speech when I was 11. But, I wasn't allowed to do plays and things like that. It was considered dangerous. My parents didn't think it was safe for a girl to do that, and they definitely didn't think it was interesting to participate in the arts.
Azita Ghanizada
She's a serial kisser. I think her parents are French.
Christie Craig
'If anything does change man,' he said, 'it’s science and technology. Just think about the fact-while it lasts-that parents need not take for granted some of their babies will die. You get a completely different concept of what a child is.'
Poul Anderson
In some communities it is - like, for me, coming out with my parents, they were not accepting; they were not understanding. So it depends. For kids in New York and L.A., maybe it's different, but for kids in Iowa, for kids in Tennessee, it's still something that's not really talked about.
Dee Rees
Technology moves so fast and social media moves so fast because everyone wants the new thing, but also, everyone wants to be where their parents are not. Once the mom got a Facebook and a Twitter and an Instagram, I don't want to be there anymore.
Ansel Elgort
When I was a kid, my parents had a 900-pound television on top of a TV tray. My dad's theory was, 'Let him pull it on his head a few times, he'll learn. You wanna put a penny in the light socket? Try that out. OHH! Hurt like hell, didn't it? Don't do that no more.'
Jeff Foxworthy
I speak Swedish, it's my first language. Of course, growing up with Latin American parents from Argentina, I also have some other influences from other cultures. But Sweden is where I feel the most at home.
Jose Gonzalez
My parents raised me that way: to appreciate what I have and pass it along to others.
Katrina Adams