Cupid Quotes
Cupid draw back your bow and let your arrow go straight to my lover's heart for me, for me...Cupid please hear my cry and let your arrow fly straight to my lover's heart for me.
Sam Cooke -
Love's heralds should be thoughts, Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams Driving back shadows over low'ring hills. Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw Love, And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings.
William Shakespeare
You are a lover. Borrow Cupid's wings and soar with them above a common bound.
William Shakespeare -
This senior-junior, giant-dwarf, Dan Cupid; Regent of love-rhymes, lord of folded arms, The anointed sovereign of sighs and groans, Liege of all loiterers and malcontents.
William Shakespeare -
Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.
William Shakespeare -
This wimpled, whining, purblind, wayward boy, this Senior Junior, giant dwarf...Cupid.
William Shakespeare -
Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Nor hath Love's mind of any judgment taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste.
William Shakespeare -
To Chloe's breast young Cupid slily stole, But he crept in at Myra's pocket-hole.
William Blake
Flower of this purple dye, Hit with Cupid's archery, Sink in apple of his eye.
William Shakespeare -
Young Adam Cupid, he that shot so trim, When King Cophetua loved the beggar-maid!
William Shakespeare -
Art as an aesthetic principle was supported by thousands of years of discernment and psychic rewards, but art as a commodity was held up by air. The loss of confidence that affected banks and financial instruments was not affecting cherubs, cupids and flattened popes. The objects hadn't changed: what was there before was there after. But a vacancy was created with the clamoring crowds deserted and retrenched.
Steve Martin -
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. It gets in the way of Black History Month. Cupid didn't free any slaves.
Damien Lemon