Waste Time Quotes
Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window- or break down a door.
One life to live, live it to the fullest. If you have doubts or your gut feeling says something, listen. Don't waste time, time will waist u.
Draw, Antonio; draw, Antonio; draw and don’t waste time.
Do not waste your time looking for an obstacle - maybe there is none.
If the EU doesn't want Turkey, they should say it now and clearly. If we are not wanted, then both sides dont need to waste their time with negotiations.
Basically it takes me very little time to write a song. If I find myself taking more than an hour to do it I usually forget it, and try something else. I like to work quickly; I never like to waste any time. I never write half a song and come back to it later at all. It all has to be done at once. I lose interest if it doesn't.
Don't waste time collecting other people's autographs; rather devote it to making your own autograph worth collecting.
Computers and games don't waste time - people do.
Don't waste time looking for a better pencil: learn to write better.
You still waste time with those things, Lenù? We are flying over a ball of fire. The part that has cooled floats on lava. On that part we construct buildings, the bridges, and the streets, and every so often the lava comes out of Vesuvius or causes an earthquake that destroys everything. There are microbes everywhere that make us sick and die. There are wars. There is a poverty that makes us cruel. Every second something might happen that will cause you such suffering that you'll never have enough tears. And what are you doing? A theology course in which you struggle to understand what the Holy Spirit is? Forget it, it was the Devil who invented the world, not the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
There are two things you should never waste your time on: things that don’t matter and people that think you don’t matter.
It's a lie, you know, to pretend that nothing is important to you. It's hiding. Believe me, I know because I hid for a long time. But now I won't do it anymore. The truth is bioluminescent. I don't lie, and I don't waste time on people who do.
The world is full of ways and means to waste time.
People who don't know how to keep themselves healthy ought to have the decency to get themselves buried, and not waste time about it.
The great-at-anything do not set to work because they are inspired, but rather become inspired because they are working. They don't waste time waiting for inspiration.
The men didn’t want to waste time beaching the ship. I heard a loud splash as Prince Jason himself slung the stone anchor overboard; then he took up his sword and shield before jumping into the hip-deep water. His bare legs churned the water to foam as he raced toward the battle. If lying came easily to him, so did courage; I had to give him that.
The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working. Beethoven, Wagner, Bach and Mozart settled down day after day to the job in hand with as much regularity as an accountant settles down each day to his figures. They didn't waste time waiting for inspiration.
Be a good person but do not waste time to prove it.