Cosmic Quotes
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description.
I claim credit for nothing. Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player.
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism.
We are cosmic traitors. We must recognize this problem within ourselves if we are to grasp the necessity of the cross.
We're not earthly beings any more... we're cosmic beings.
Cosmic upheaval is not so moving as a little child pondering the death of a sparrow in the corner of a barn.
Only one letter divides the comic from the cosmic.
I assert that the cosmic religious experience is the strongest and the noblest driving force behind scientific research.
I'm sure you have some cosmic rationale, but here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice.
What if life is just a cosmic joke, like spiders in your underwear.
It would be a bitter cosmic joke if we destroy ourselves due to atrophy of the imagination.
The material particle nature of primary cosmic radiation has been confirmed, although the processes turned out to be extraordinarily more complicated than we had assumed.
Sin is cosmic treason
There is not one piece of cosmic dust that is outside the scope of God's sovereign providence.
Cosmic love is absolutely Ruthless and Highly Indifferent: it teaches its lessons whether you like/ dislike them or not.
Photography... is either an expression of a cosmic vision, an embodiment of a life movement or it is nothing - to me. (1919)
Cosmic reveries separate us from project reveries. They situate us in a world and not in a society. The cosmic reverie possesses a sort of stability or tranquility. It helps us escape time. It is a state.
Artists should always think of themselves as cosmic instruments for storytelling.
Books go out into the world, travel mysteriously from hand to hand, and somehow find their way to the people who need them at the times when they need them ... Cosmic forces guide such passings-along.
Be warned! From Satan's viewpoint you are a pawn in his game of cosmic chess.
Love, consciousness, and creativity are the highest refinements of the cosmic evolutionary force.
Cosmic energy enters the body through the medulla and then passes to the cerebrum, in which it is stored or concentrated.
My answer would be definite yes! Destructive atheism, in my view and the view of the Church, is part of a much larger picture - cosmic warfare, that is, between God and Evil, between God and Satan.
After that father's death I never cried with any real conviction, nor expected much of anyone's God except indifference, nor loved deeply without fear that it would cost me dearly in pain. At the age of five I had become a skeptic and began to sense that any happiness that came my way might be the prelude to some grim cosmic joke.