Lover Quotes
I stopped taking drugs [in 1983]. There were a lot of things that led up to it. One thing was that a lover died. An ex of mine died in a car wreck and I was really trashed when I found out about it and I couldn't cry. I woke up the next morning and I said, "That's it," so I quit then. It was horrible.
My sister is my sister regardless - has always been and always will be and has no choice about it. This is a love quite distinct from that of a lover, with whom we fall in love, in part, because they are free and have a choice.
Life can't defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer's lover until death.
There is only one real tragedy in a woman's life. The fact that her past is always her lover, and her future invariably her husband.
Therefore, even the lover of myth is a philosopher; for myth is composed of wonder.
Every lover is a soldier.
I met my old lover on the street last night. She seemed so glad to see me, I just smiled. Then we talked about some old times and we drank ourselves some beers, still crazy after all these years.
For pleasure is a state of soul, and to each man that which he is said to be a lover of is pleasant.
I am not a lover of Israel, of course. I have no reason to be. But I don't hate Jews.
No oath can be too binding for a lover.
Most of the time, when I had hits as a soloist - maybe not so much with Simon & Garfunkel - I was surprised they were hits. I didn't know what the hits were. I never thought that 'Loves Me Like A Rock' was going to be a hit, or 'Mother And Child Reunion,' or '50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.' They didn't sound like what the hits sounded like at the time. Radio was more open to things that weren't exactly what every other hit was.
I'm a lover of songs.
And when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment.
To discover he is loved in return ought really to disenchant the lover with the beloved.
I met my old lover on the street last night, she seemed glad to see me.
I've had Harleys on both sides of the Atlantic, so I'm a lover of a Harley motorcycle.
A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver.
Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be.
Between the daylight gambler and the player at night there is the same difference that lies between a careless husband and the lover swooning under his lady's window.
So, lively brisk old fellow, don't let age get you down. White hairs or not, you can still be a lover.
Loving someone liberates the lover as well as the beloved. And that kind of love comes with age.
I want a trouble-maker for a lover, blood spiller, blood drinker, a heart of flame, who quarrels with the sky and fights with fate, who burns like fire on the rushing sea.
All mankind love a lover.
I don't wanna be your part time lover I don't wanna play no silly games Oh don't tell me baby there's no other I don't wanna die in sweet, sweet flames I don't wanna be your part time lover I don't wanna play no silly games I don't wanna be your special brother Again, again, again.