Allah Quotes
If Muslims curse the Christians, then the Christians will curse the Muslims. And people will curse Allah, and Allah will hold us responsible for that.
Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah.
My fate is in the hands of almighty Allah.
Seeing a man praying to Allah is enough for some people to assume he is a terrorist.
The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah.
We believe that the Honorable Elijah Mohammed is the apostle of Allah, God, but I'm only a helper and a minister of his.
All of the people are the dependents of Allah.
If I were to pray in Arabic, I'd pray to Allah. If I were to pray in English, I'd pray to God.
My name is Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, the former H. Rap Brown. I am a devoted servant of Allah, and an unwavering devotee to His cause. For more than 30 years, I have been tormented and persecuted by my enemies for reasons of race and belief.
I have been hired by Allah to get a wage, which if the space between the Earth and sky is filled up with pearls, still (the wage) would be more than it, for each of the questions I may answer you. Therefore, I deserve it that I must not feel tired or exhausted (in answering your questions).
Some felt as if 'Charlie Hebdo' was obsessed with its 'Screw Allah' stance. It's a sort of provocation that caused a lot of debates.
Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and unbelief).
The hardest thing is to give up something you love, for the sake of Allah. But remember Allah never takes without giving something better.
I believe in the religion of Islam. I believe in Allah and peace.
Who are we to wish for Paradise? It will be enough if Allah spares us his wrath.
The Prophet (saw) said, Those who are nearest to Allah are they who are first to give a salutation (salams).
We all know that love is truly the key. Anyone who tries to make anyone think that things of destruction has anything to do with God or Allah, they're a liar.
All praise is to Allah, I'll fight any man, any animal, if Jesus were here I'd fight him too.
Allah is the Greatest. I'm just the greatest boxer.
“Busy yourself with what is pleasing to Allah, or Satan will busy you with what displeases Him.”
Allah is my witness. I will not be silent. I will never surrender.
Put your trust in Allah and not in anyone other than Him, because it is known that He alone is the Helper.
I believe in Allah and in peace. I don't try to move into white neighborhoods... I don’t want to marry a white woman. I was baptized when I was 12, but I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m not a Christian anymore. I know where I’m going and I know the truth and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.
To be able to thank Allah for a blessing is a blessing within itself.