Correctness Quotes
I hate political correctness.
Dan Jenkins
It's getting funnier because everybody's categories are disintegrating, and the cult of political correctness dictates that we never point out that other people don't make sense.
Terence McKenna
There is a great deal more correctness of thought respecting manhood in bodily things than in moral things. For men's ideas of manhood shape themselves as the tower and spire of cathedrals do, that stand broad at the bottom, but grow tapering as they rise, and end, far up, in the finest lines, and in an evanishing point. Where they touch the ground they are most, and where they reach to the heaven they are least.
Henry Ward Beecher
We are living in a dynamic age with multiple ideas and beliefs of correctness; this world is not deterministic and not still.
Li Ka-shing
To play with correctness and skill the ends of games, is an important but a very rare accomplishment, expect among the magnates of the game.
Howard Staunton
Things usually make sense in time, and even bad decisions have their own kind of correctness.
Miranda July
Changing the way we talk is not political correctness run amok. It reflects an admirable willingness to acknowledge others who once were barely visible to the dominant culture, and to recognize that something that may seem innocent to you may be painful to others.
David Plotz
Not every alt-right thinker or activist is a white nationalist, by far, but there's a sense that political correctness is a bigger problem than racism, and that racism is used as a cudgel for silencing.
David Weigel
A painter paints the appearance of things, not their objective correctness, in fact he creates new appearances of things.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Government lawyers, like private ones, face the problem routinely of aiding in the defense and development of positions in whose correctness they don't believe.
Benjamin Wittes
Breitbart is sort of an ill-defined, loose-knit collection of a wing of the conservative movement. What do they do? The rant against immigration, Muslims, multi-culturalism, political correctness. But what they want, a lot of them, is a white America.
David Corn
Hurricane Katrina was caused by political correctness. I said it!
Carlos Mencia