Discussion Quotes
I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments, and demonstrations.
In the U.K. there is still work to be done, particularly in schools, stopping the homophobic bullies in the playground and introducing unbiased discussion on gay issues in the classroom.
My discussion with Keith Richards about the creative process led me to believe that there's an invisible presence of a stream of ever-flowing creativity that we overhear-all you have to do is pull up the antenna and dial it in. This presence allows you to maintain your sense of origin and move forward.
I don't think the folks in the low-tax states really want to go into a fairness discussion. Residents of Connecticut and New York would love to remind them how much they pay in federal taxes to support programs for Mississippi and South Dakota.
There's always that discussion about fiction about how do you market it - these are books for boys, these are books for girls, these are books for adults. Actually, they're just stories, and if they're good stories, then they surpass those boundaries.
Every photograph could be set up. If one could imagine it, one could set it up. The whole discussion is a way of not talking about photographs.
When I got to Princeton I made a point of attending the Philosophy Club and listening to the lectures, but I didn't get involved in any discussions in those clubs. I guess after the first year, I dropped that.
Rightly or wrongly, the Victorian considered that there were certain subjects which were not meet for inter-sexual discussion, just as they held that certain processes of the feminine toilet, like the powdering of the nose and the application of lipstick to the mouth, were (if done at all) better done in private.
Classroom discussion is where you learn how to debate an idea and stick with an opinion, even when others don't agree - and not take it personally, either.
Political correctness kills discussion.
I think every time, before we do an album, we have a discussion where we sort of consider the idea of doing something radically different.
After a long discussion with Mr. Holmes, we finally wound up with, I think, an agreement which will satisfy all parties.
There isn't much discussion of ruling class in America even in Boston, probably one of the most class-conscious cities in the country?
Malcolm X had a habit of scribbling notes in small pieces of paper that [Alex] Haley would surreptitiously pick up at the end of their discussions.
I don't worry too much about the fundamentalist principles that are in almost any discussion about jazz.
I really love having conversations and deconstructing things. I don't mind not having a laugh every second. Sometimes things deserve a little more discussion, and then you can have some fun after that.
When most people turn on their TVs, they don't expect a frank discussion of philosophical ideas in their practical context. Or any context.
I think if religion closes discussion or exchange of ideas or curiosity about other views, it's not true to its core.
One of the things that often gets lost in discussions of depression is that you know it's ridiculous. You know it's ridiculous while you're experiencing it. You know that most people manage to listen to their messages, and eat lunch, and organise themselves to take a shower and go out the front door, and that it's not a big deal. And yet you are nonetheless in its grip and you are unable to figure out any way around it.
The old adage that polite conversation should not include talk of politics or religion is understandable because both subjects are so heavily laden with emotion that discussion can quickly turn to shouting. Blood is shed over politics, religion and the two in combination.
My memory is not even what most people's is, much less what it oughta be for a discussion like this.
Discussion is just a tool. You have to aim; the final goal must be a decision.
If in a discussion of many matters ... we are not able to give perfectly exact and self-consistent accounts, do not be surprised: rather we would be content if we provide accounts that are second to none in probability.
There are a couple of things in there if we're constraining this discussion to horror here.