Reliable Quotes
Those market researchers... are playing games with you and me and with this entire country. Their so-called samples of opinion are no more accurate or reliable than my grandmother's big toe was when it came to predicting the weather.
We know businesses can’t compete without reliable infrastructure.
For us to stay competitive, we're transforming our services business to be reliable and flexible.
It is a precarious undertaking to say anything reliable about aims and intentions.
This is a highly reliable power source. Being a large credit card processor, doing $6 million an hour in transactions, our computers have to work.
I would say that I think the film "I am love" is absolutely about nature, it recommends human nature. You don't need to recommend change, that's inevitable, it's the only reliable thing we have.
Protecting gear is important. If it is treated well, it can be more reliable and last longer.
It is easy to take away the world that we think is so permanent and reliable.
People who can change and change again are so much more reliable and happier than those who can’t
The ability to sign a cheque is the least reliable guide to a company's fitness.
I think FoxNews ratings are a reliable guide to the attitudes of the American electorate.
How can I trust that the Bible is reliable?
Insight is not the same as scientific deduction, but even at that it may be more reliable than statistics.
The conclusions of passion are the only reliable ones.