Downfall Quotes
With the mega – fame came the mega – downfall – you know, with the press and everything – and at a young age, it was very stressful to me.
I'm a food addict, that's my downfall.
In Isaiah’s description of the downfall of Babylon, the city so famed for its astrologers, we find mention of Hobhre Shamayim,[344] that is, dividers of the heavens, astrologers who divide the heavens into houses for the convenience of their prognostications. The same persons are then described as Chozim bakkokhabhim, star-gazers, those who study the stars for the purpose of taking horoscopes.
My downfall raises me to infinite heights.
National injustice is the surest road to national downfall.
The downfall of any leader in a sport's team is when he gets carried away with his own ego.
Niggas pray and pray on my downfall, But every time I hit the ground I bounce up like round ball
Cleland was the victim of his own downfall.
From triumph to downfall is but a step. I have seen a trifle decide the most important issues in the gravest affairs.
Someone's writing down your mistakes, someone's documenting your downfall.
Busyness, I feel increasingly, is the writer's curse and downfall. You read too much and write too readily, you become cut off from your inner life, from the flow of your own thoughts, and turned far too much towards the outside world.
Pride of opinion has been responsible for the downfall of more men on Wall Street than any other factor.
My downfall emotionally is musicians and songwriters.
When your outgo exceeds your income, the upshot may be your downfall.
The ambition and focus that propel you to success can also be your downfall.
The downfall of the industry is that there is a lot of pressure in it, a lot of rejection in it and a lot of competition in it. It's a whole mess.
So many tend to brand the Internet as the downfall of youth, but 'Ready Player One' hints that it's more complicated than that.