Supply Quotes
The price of ability does not depend on merit but on supply and demand.
There is a supply for every demand.
It is notorious that, whenever the demand for labor is much greater than the supply, or the wages of labor are much higher than the expenses of living, very many, even on the ordinary laboring class, are remarkable for indolence, and work no more than compelled by necessity.
Bewildered by their altered condition they immediately tried to supply the lost covering artificially, even as their descendants have ever since been doing. For every living creature, whether of earth, air, or sea, has its own proper covering, not put on from without, but developed naturally from within; man alone is destitute and compelled to have recourse to artificial aids, because through sin he has lost his natural power of shedding forth a most glorious raiment of light. And hence we may see why our Lord preferred the robe of the humble lily to all the magnificence of Solomon.[183] For the splendid array of the Israelitish king was foreign, and put on from without; whereas the beauty of the lily is developed from within, and is the simple result of its natural growth.
Until those charismatic churches who have poor teaching can supply both spiritual empowerment and sounder teaching, many of them will continue to be only a way station for Christians who need a fresh spiritual experience but who end up taking it elsewhere once they have it.
Over the past decade a combination of diverse forces has created a significant increase in the global supply of saving -- a global saving glut.
The Internet doesn't change everything. It doesn't change supply and demand.
Rents should begin to decelerate as the demand for owner-occupied housing stabilizes and the supply of rental units increases.
The previous hurricanes had depleted the national supply.
The Internet doesn't change everything. It doesn't change supply and demand. It doesn't magically allow you to build businesses by turning investors' money into operating expenses indefinitely. The money always runs out eventually.. the Internet doesn't change that, as we have seen.
The supply of government exceeds demand.
My father was a horsemen and had to supply teams to the people who work the agricultural areas, wool and that sort of thing so horses were our life.
People are worried where additional supply will come from.
The UK Government is helping the supermarket supply chain respond to CoronaVirus. We’ll allow night-time deliveries to supermarkets and I stand ready to allow drivers’ hours to be safely and temporarily extended, if needed.
I talk a lot about photography. It's cheap becuase my supply always exceeds demand.
He is a great simpleton who imagines that the chief power of wealth is to supply wants. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it creates more wants than it supplies.
I imagine the fur supply in town has gone way down.
Music lovers always want to hear the best. It's about freedom of choice, we supply the music.
Basically what's happening is I'm pleading guilty to possessing and having plants and not guilty to the charges of supply.
I think the main problem we have is the pricing of oil as it is now. I think it's wrong. It does not reflect the fundamentals of supply/demand.
All I ever did was supply a demand that was pretty popular.
People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt on the project (Muscle Shoals Dam) nor contribute a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work. This is the terrible thing about interest.
If a man knows where to get good advice, it is as though he could supply it himself.
We're creating new supply for the world, which is key. If we didn't get more tonnes into the system, your next motorcar is going to cost more because the aluminum cost is going to be higher.