Redefine Quotes
Jackie O was so capable in so many ways. Hillary tried to redefine the role when she got into public policy, and Michelle Obama is able to move smoothly between form and function, style and substance.
Bellamy Young
Homeless shelters, child hunger, and child suffering have become normalized in the richest nation on earth. It's time to reset our moral compass and redefine how we measure success.
Marian Wright Edelman
I know for myself, and maybe I'm weird or whatever, but the whole thing is about constantly redefining identity.
Mike D
The Beastie Boys
HAVING WON THE RIGHT TO vote, a number of women believed that they had in the process won the right to redefine the very notion of femininity. Geoffrey Perrett summarizes: Before the First World War women were arrested for smoking cigarettes in public, for using profanity, for appearing on public beaches without stockings, for driving automobiles without a man beside them, for wearing outlandish attire (for example, shorts, slacks, men’s hats), and for not wearing their corsets. Women accused of such offenses against public order and common decency were summoned before the courts, not only of small towns, but of big cities such as Chicago. In less than a decade these prosecutions stopped, simply because they seemed as absurd as they were futile.
Eric Burns
We will continue to renew and redefine Sony Pictures.
Michael Lynton
I'm not trying to redefine sexuality or humanity or say that my answer is right and yours is wrong. I'm just happy with who I am.
Nico Tortorella