Planets Quotes
The single biggest threat to man's continued dominance on the planet is the virus.
Not only the phenomena of the others followed from this, but also it so bound together both the order and magnitude of all the planets and the spheres and the heaven itself, that in no single part could one thing be altered without confusion among the other parts and in all the universe.
I'm not guaranteeing what we come up with will be better for the planet. There is ethanol, for instance, which actually nets out with more pollution at greater expense, and more harm to the environment than petroleum, but we'll come up with something.
The mind can make substance, and people planets of its own with beings brighter than have been, and give a breath to forms which can outlive all flesh.
I grew up on 'Battle of the Planets.'
I think anybody would have to be with out common sense to think there weren't aliens. There are billions of planets, and I am convinced Earth is not the only one that's inhabited. It would be quite an ego trip to think that. I think about it all the time.
I watched Picasso visit the Planet of the Apes, as the masters rot on walls and the angels eat the grapes.
The objective of hypertext research is to save the planet.
And one wild Shakespeare, following Nature's lights, Is worth whole planets, filled with Stagyrites.
If adventure has a final and all-embracing motive, it is surely this: we go out because it is our nature to go out, to climb mountains, and to paddle rivers, to fly to the planets and plunge into the depths of the oceans... When man ceases to do these things, he is no longer man.
Your body is your own planet Earth.
Matter is real to my senses, but they aren't trustworthy. If Galileo or Copernicus had accepted what they saw, they would never have discovered the movement of the earth and planets.
I saw above a sea of hills A solitary planet shine, And there was no one, near or far, to keep the world from being mine.
We are occupants. No one has any lasting purchase on life or on the planet.
Let me mention that not all sun-like stars host planets – perhaps about 30% of them are planet – builders. It's not so easy to form a planet!
I firmly believe in what Stephen Hawking says - that if we don't get off this planet, we're going to go berserk. We have to have more space.
This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.
Life on our planet is defined by the health of our ocean.
Essentially the soul of the planet is being controlled by corporations.
There is life outside of human beings on planet Earth.
I've had the pleasure of playing with the baddest Jazz cats on the planet.
I fear for the future of the planet. But in a funny way, I'm even sanguine about that.
I never had a rivalry with Madonna. You don't knock another sister, ever. There's room for everybody on this planet; you don't have to be like anyone else.
The human imagination, in conjunction with technology, has become a force so potent that it really can no longer be unleashed on the surface of the planet with safety.