Idle Quotes
He who would not be idle, let him fall in love.
The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest.
Determine never to be idle...It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
A Bradypus or Sloth am I, / I live a life of ease, / Contented not to do or die / But idle as I please.
I think being idle is quite hard for me to do.
Fashion is nothing more than the temporary custom of rich and idle people who make it their principal business to study the external elegance of life.
They are not only idle who do nothing, but they are idle also who might be better employed.
Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive I have wasted my life.
I'm not very happy idle.
To such idle talk it might further be added: that whenever a certain exclusive occupation is coupled with specific shortcomings, it is likewise almost certainly divorced from certain other shortcomings.
Nostalgia often leads to idle speculation.
On the whole, the great success of marriage in the States is due partly to the fact that no American man is ever idle, and partly to the fact that no American wife is considered responsible for the quality of her husband's dinners.
Raking over the past and sifting its dust is an occupation for the idle or the elderly retired.
How various his employments whom the world Calls idle; and who justly in return Esteems that busy world an idler too!
We cannot afford to be idle. To act on a bad idea is better than to not act at all. Because the worth of the idea never becomes apparent until you do it. Sometimes this idea can be the smallest thing in the world, a little flame that you hunch over and cup with your hand, and pray will not be extinguished by all the storm that howls about it. If you could hold onto that flame, great things could construct around it, that are massive and powerful and world changing, all held up by the tiniest of ideas.
If you are idle, you are on the road to ruin; and there are few stopping-places upon it. It is rather a precipice than a road
This merely formal conceiving of the facts of one's own wretchedness is at the same time a departure from them--placing them in the object. It is not idle, therefore, to observe reflexively that in that very Thought, one has separated himself from them, and is no longer that which empirically he still sees himself to be.
[There] is no class so dangerous as the idle educated.
Thus God himself was too kind to remain idle and began to play the game of signatures signing his likeness unto the world: therefore I chance to think that all nature and the graceful sky are symbolized in the art of Geometria.
We throw all our attention on the utterly idle question whether A has done as well as B, when the only question is whether A has done as well as he could.
If you love an addle egg as well as you love an idle head, you would eat chickens i' th' shell.
As much pains were taken to make me idle as were ever taken to make me studious.
Purification is never for the selfishly idle, it accrues only to the selflessly industrious.
Whenever I produce my best work, it's always because I've spent time being idle. Something always emerges after nothing.