Dictators Quotes
In the '60s, I did many satirical portraits of dictators.
In your dread of dictators you established a state of society in which every ward boss is a dictator, every private employer a dictator, every financier a dictator, all with the livelihood of the workers at his mercy, and no public responsibility.
Corporations are the new dictators.
You have also at the same time Castro and the revolution being the glue that held the United States together with a lot of these dictators.
The all but unanimous judgment seems to be that we, the democracies, are just as responsible for the rise of the dictators as the dictatorships themselves, and perhaps more so.
The Clinton administration has coddled dictators as few have coddled before.
When dictators and tyrants seek to destroy the freedoms of men, their first target is the legal profession and through it the rule of law.
No one is ever better off with dictators but there comes a time you know, when you're on an airplane, they always say, "in case of an emergency oxygen masks will drop down. Put yours on first and then administer help to your neighbor." We need oxygen right now.
The misconception that aid falls straight into the hands of dictators largely stems from the Cold War era.
Do not allow yourselves to be cajoled into supposing that political apathy is dangerous. Dictators such as Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin are raised to power, not by apathy, but by mass fanaticism.
Is is true that dictators never dream because they can change their smallest fantasies into realities if they want to?
Laughter is something we have against oppression and oppressive people. Dictators hate people who laugh at them. It's easy for them to destroy people who resist them. But if you create jokes against them, write funny poems or articles against them, then they feel helpless and desperate. They can't do anything.
When women can support themselves, have entry to all the trades and professions, with a house of their own over their heads and a bank account, they will own their bodies and be dictators in the social realm.
In some departments of our daily life, in which we imagine ourselves free agents, we are ruled by dictators exercising great power.
Ignorance and its hand-maidens, prejudice, intolerance, suspicion of our fellowman, breed dictators and breed wars.
Even dictators become dictators because somehow, deep in their hearts, they believe they've been chosen to save the world. Everyone is chosen. There lies the problem. Every wants to do something. Everyone thinks his, & no other's, is the only way. Everyone is deranged with purpose.
One thing for certain you will not ever hear from me is praise for dictators and strongmen who have no love for America.
I am a socialist, so I am not worried about socialism. I am worried about dictators who are putting everyone into a socialist state for their own benefit.