Physician Quotes
Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.
A physician who is a lover of wisdom is the equal to a god.
For we are not all equally afflicted with the same disease or all in need of the same severe cure. This is the reason why we see different persons disciplined with different crosses. The heavenly Physician takes care of the well-being of all his patients; he gives some a milder medicine and purifies others by more shocking treatments, but he omits no one; for the whole world, without exception, is ill (Deut 32:15).
John Calvin
The patient must combat the disease along with the physician.
Life is short, and the Art long; the occasion fleeting; experience fallacious, and judgment difficult. The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient, the attendants, and externals cooperate.
A physician who treated me as a nervous case for a while said in the end "No! It is not a matter of your nerves; it is I who am nervous".
Friedrich Nietzsche
Physician, help yourself: thus help your patient too. Let this be his best help: that he may behold with his eyes the man who heals himself.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The physician is only nature's assistant.
I decided I wanted to be a physician when I was seven years old.
Samuel Wilson
I have heard that Tiberius used to say that that man was ridiculous, who after sixth years, appealed to a physician.
But I have had some delightful thoughts of late from just hearing the title of a book, God’s Method with the Maladies of the Soul. It gives one such a conception of the seeming ills of life: to think of Him as our Physician, the ills all remedies, the deprivations only a wholesome regimen, the losses all gains. Why, as I study this individual case and that, see how patiently and persistently He tries now this remedy now that, and how infallibly He cures the souls that submit to His remedies, I love Him so! I love Him so! And I am so astonished that we are restive under His unerring hand! Think how He dealt with me. My soul was sick unto death, sick with worldliness and self-pleasing folly. There was only one way of making me listen to reason and that was just the way He took. He snatched me right out of the world and shut me up in one room, crippled, helpless, and alone, and set me to thinking, thinking, thinking till I saw the emptiness and shallowness of all in which I had hitherto been involved. And then He sent you and your mother to show me the reality of life and to reveal to me my invisible, unknown Physician. Can I love Him with half my heart? Can I be asking questions as to how much I am to pay toward the debt I owe Him?
Elizabeth Prentiss
No man ought to commit his life into the
hands of that Physician, who is ignorant of Astrologic:
because he is a Physician of no value.
Nicholas Culpeper
The dignity of a physician requires that he should look healthy, and as plump as nature intended him to be; for the common crowd consider those who are not of this excellent bodily condition to be unable to take care of themselves.
Doctor Johnson said, that in sickness there were three things that were material; the physician, the disease, and the patient: and if any two of these joined, then they get the victory; for, Ne Hercules quidem contra duos [Not even Hercules himself is a match for two]. If the physician and the patient join, then down goes the disease; for then the patient recovers: if the physician and the disease join, that is a strong disease; and the physician mistaking the cure, then down goes the patient: if the patient and the disease join, then down goes the physician; for he is discredited.
Francis Bacon
You ought to choose both physician and friend, not the most agreeable, but the most useful.
The art has three factors, the disease, the patient, the physician. The physician is the servant of the art. The patient must cooperate with the physician in combatting the disease.