Dependency Quotes
Personal revelation, consecration of performance, attention to detail, and dependency on God-with these qualities you cannot fail.
Strength is found in weakness. Control is found in dependency. Power is found in surrender.
If the company depends entirely on you - your creativity, ingenuity, inspiration, salesmanship or charisma - nobody will want to buy it. The risk and the dependency are too great.
Although the big word on the left is 'compassion,' the big agenda on the left is dependency.
People can't stay out of their cars. I do think we have a real problem staying out of our automobiles. We have a real dependency on them, and it may be for more than just transportation.
Most modern homes are simply uninhabitable without electricity - you couldn't flush the toilet without it. It's a huge dependency situation.
Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude - an attitude of dependency, dependency upon God.
If the government controls your health care, the government controls you. Obamacare was never about health care. It was about government power, dependency, and control.
Look how many of our young are ill prepared to enter adult life today. This was designed by progressives to create government dependency.
Helping those who have been struck by unforeseeable misfortunes is fundamentally different from making dependency a way of life.
At the bottom of every person's dependency, there is always pain, Discovering the pain and healing it is an essential step in ending dependency.
A woman will not understand what true dependency is until she is cradling her own infant in her arms; nor will she likely achieve the self-confidence she craves until she has withstood, and transcended, the weight of responsibility a family places upon her -- a weight that makes all the paperwork and assignments of her in-basket seem feather-light.
I do not want to get rid of the safety net, I want to get rid of dependency.
In making friends, she was wary of people who foster dependency and feed on it. She had been involved with a few--the blind attract them, and they are the enemy.
Our inability to make our own ascorbate means that each newborn baby comes factory-equipped with, if not an inborn vitamin C deficiency, a vitamin C dependency.
Spreading the wealth punishes success while setting America on course for a greater dependency on government.
Had his teachings all been black and white, had they simply been condensed into a no-room-for-debate document designed to give us all of the clear-cut answers we long for, our hope and dependency would be on the answers themselves, instead of the person who can give them.