Replace Quotes
Leadership is intangible, and therefore no weapon ever designed can replace it.
Some scientists want to replace the handshake with the fist bump. Others want to replace the fist bump with the 'tush push.'
If I'm so popular, why did they replace me with Tommy Thayer?
Scientists say they're getting closer to developing a pill to replace exercising. Americans heard this and said that it better come in cool ranch flavor.
There's nothing that can replace quality programs in a non-profit.
It is not necessary to replace a guillotined criminal: it is necessary to replace a guillotined social system.
When we set out to replace Steve Clark, Vivian Campbell exceeded our wildest expectations.
Wrestling is something that nothing else can replace for me.
You know you're a bigot when you can't take out the word 'Muslim' from a sentence you stated and replace it with 'Jew' and still have it be socially acceptable.
The problem with ruling by fear is that eventually, when the fear fades, fury replaces it.
No one can replace a unique person like Peter.
Being in love, you know... it's not like having a canary, in a cage. When you lose one sweetheart, you can't just go out and get another to replace her.
If the first plan which you adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan; if this new plan fails to work, replace it in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which does work. Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet with failure, because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.
It's like for like, they've just picked another big No.6 to replace (Collins).
One may aspire to succeed Chairman Greenspan but it will not be possible to replace him.
Jim died in 1971, and the problem of trying to replace him was insurmountable at that time. But after 30 years or so goes by, it doesn't seem so insurmountable.
In our time together, you claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry with me forever and that no one can ever replace.
It is among the commonplaces of education that we often first cut off the living root and then try to replace its natural functions by artificial means. Thus we suppress the child's curiosity and then when he lacks a natural interest in learning he is offered special coaching for his scholastic difficulties.
Why did the generals who have been so ready to term me a complaisant and incompetent yes-man fail to secure my removal? Was that all that difficult? No, that wasn't it; the truth was that nobody would have been ready to replace me, because each one knew that he would end up just as much a wreck as I.
We have got to have more providers to replace those who are leaving ...
For there is one thing we must never forget... the majority can never replace the man. And no more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards.
It takes a habit to replace a habit.
It's time for new bands to step up because KISS and Mtley Cre, Aerosmith, The [Rolling] Stones... we're not always gonna be here. Who's gonna replace us? There's no one out there. It's sad.
I took my iPod to the Apple store here in Manhattan and asked them to replace the battery. And they explained to me that Apple does not offer a service to replace the battery in the iPod, and my best bet was to buy a new iPod.