Bees Quotes
Those who have not been stung will hardly fear a bee the same as those who have.
Sara Sheridan
For this, be sure, tonight thou shalt have cramps, Side-stitches that shall pen thy breath up. Urchins Shall forth at vast of night that they may work All exercise on thee. Thou shalt be pinched As thick as honeycomb, each pinch more stinging Than bees that made 'em.
William Shakespeare
If you are the lantern, I am the flame; If you are the lake, then I am the rain; If you are the desert, I am the sea; If you are the blossom, I am the bee; If you are the fruit, then I am the core; If you are the rock, then I am the ore; If you are the ballad, I am the word; If you are the sheath, then I am the sword.
Cecilia Dart-Thornton
Because life goes on, L. The birds do their thing, and the bees do theirs. Seeds get scattered, and everything grows back.
Kami Garcia
I dreamt -- marvellous error! -- that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures.
Antonio Machado
A PHD is not the end of education. Education exists even among the bees who feed their queen only with the purest.
Sahndra Fon Dufe
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet's wings.
William Butler Yeats
When the flower opens, the bees will come.
When you're out to get the honey you don't go killing all the bees.
John Graham Mellor
The 101ers
Forget not bees in winter, though they sleep.
Vita Sackville-West
The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle, And some have been known to fall in it. In tennis it's nothing, but it can be received, And sometimes a person may win it. Though not seen or heard it may be perceived, Like princes or bees it's in clover. The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle, And without it one cannot start over.
Trenton Lee Stewart
Concerning the generation of animals akin to them, as hornets and wasps, the facts in all cases are similar to a certain extent, but are devoid of the extraordinary features which characterize bees; this we should expect, for they have nothing divine about them as the bees have.
God made bees, and bees made honey, God made man, and man made money, Pride made the devil, and the devil made sin; So God made a cole-pit to put the devil in.
William Cowper
Look tonight at the stars. Let them overwhelm you in the postures of their bright dance. Face the vastness which they dot like silver bees, and sound with your own brain the mystery, hazarding at the inscrutable plan of things.
R. H. Barlow
My banks they are furnish'd with bees, Whose murmur invites one to sleep.
William Shenstone
He is not worthy of the honey-comb, that shuns the hives because the bees have stings.
William Shakespeare
For bees are captious folk / And quick to turn against the lubber's touch.
Vita Sackville-West
Though my verse but roam the air And murmur in the trees, You may discern a purpose there, As in music of the bees.
Alfred Austin