Criticized Quotes
Humans are queer. A man, living and well, is ignored or criticized. Dying or dead, he is noticed and praised. Death sheds a temporary glamour over the poorest soul. It is as though in dying, he has accomplished something which life never gave him.
Bess Streeter Aldrich
Drag artists are more men than real men. You need a lot of courage, personality, and guts to go out there. Even if you look good or you look bad, you still need to have all of those things to be on stage. You're going to get criticized by everyone.
BeBe Zahara Benet
Jesus Himself was criticized. He wasn't a glutton and drunkard, but He was accused of being those things. Why? Because He went to parties where people ate and drank, and some people probably were at those parties who were drunkards and gluttons. But you don't have to be sinning just because you're in in an environment of happiness.
Randy Alcorn
Kant certainly was sympathetic with the metaphysical tradition of rational theology that he criticized.
Allen W. Wood
I have fiercely criticized both the Bush administration's counterterrorism policies and the Obama administration's - and fiercely defended both as well.
Benjamin Wittes
I just think that when you're coming out with a new product, you're gonna be criticized.
Soulja Boy
We used to take it really hard when people criticized us about what we were wearing, but not anymore.
Dinah Jane
Fifth Harmony
Electronic music is about brains. It is about the quality of the music, what the music conveys and the person, who created it. I would like to see music, like any other art form and craft perceived and criticized based on these premises only and not by gender.
Nic Endo
Atari Teenage Rio
Tupac used to comment on people who criticized him for cursing, as a matter of fact he said, this is just about verbatim, ‘As I walked into this hall, I passed a young child who was hungry. There is not a bigger curse than a young child hungry’.
Afeni Shakur
What's interesting, I think, is that a lot of times, women in powerful positions, when they do get critiqued, when they do get criticized, it often revolves around their appearance, their sexuality, their fertility, et cetera.
Anna Holmes