Driven Quotes
I guess the biggest difference from the things I've done in the past is that my work will be more narrative-driven adult films or vignettes, not just "gonzo" scenes, which are straight sex, no storyline.
Secondarily, I think films that are driven by music also terrify studios.
He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things. He talked to them, urging them, ordering them. Driven back by the tide, his footprints became bays in which they were trapped and gave him the illusion of mastery.
The greatest injustices proceed from those who pursue excess, not by those who are driven by necessity.
I'm as pure as the driven slush.
I'm a very driven, ambitious, positive person. But I'm a spiritual person as well.
To be honest, once you've driven around for about five, 10 laps, you don't notice a difference.
I've never been driven to just be a celebrity or just get me on TV. Never ever. What's always driven me is being successful and being good at what I do.
My schedulers keep getting driven crazy by the fact that they can't fit hikes in my schedule.
I'm not great with money. I'd go crazy if I were left to my own devices. My mum and girlfriend sort it out. I'm not driven by it, but I love to be generous.
I have always been driven to buck the system, to innovate, to take things beyond where they've been.
My books are character-driven. They're not driven by the story.
I find ambition really attractive too – if someone's good at something they love doing. I want someone who is driven.
My heart is as pure as the driven slush.
I'm a driven person, but I'm also cautious, and I overthink things sometimes.
Over a period of time it's been driven home to me that I'm not going to be the most popular writer in the world, so I'm always happy when anything in any way is accepted.
I was driven completely by a desire to understand how cells worked.
I feel myself driven towards an end that I do not know. As soon as I shall have reached it, as soon as I shall become unnecessary, an atom will suffice to shatter me. Till then, not all the forces of mankind can do anything against me.
Consumerism is, quite precisely, the consuming of life by the things consumed. It is living in a manner that is measured by having rather than being... and consumerism is hardly the sin of the rich. The poor, driven by discontent and envy, may be as consumed by what they do not have as the rich are consumed by what they do have. The question is not, certainly not most importantly, a question about economics. It is first and foremost a cultural and moral problem requiring a cultural and moral remedy.
We are driven by providing technology to enterprise customers.
Religion is inwardly focused and driven only to sustain itself.
I'm not driven by being understood.
Our financial results continue to be seriously impacted by the adverse effects of the strong dollar, reduced earnings in our core business driven by an intensifying competitive environment, and losses in digital. We are making significant changes in the company's operations to compete effectively in this environment.
Writing wasn't about making money. I wanted to find fulfillment in writing and telling stories, and that's what's driven me.