Question Quotes
There is a fundamental question we all have to face. How are we to live our lives; by what principles and moral values will we be guided and inspired?
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.
W. Edwards Deming
The question tonight, as I understand it, is 'The Negro Revolt, and Where Do We Go From Here?' or What Next?' In my little humble way of understanding it, it points toward either the ballot or the bullet.
Malcolm X
I think you could ask 10 English people the same question about class and get a very different answer.
Joanne Rowling
I made bad decisions. That being said - the question is, does the public care about that?
Gavin Newsom
The mind travels faster than the pen; consequently, writing becomes a question of learning to make occasional wing shots, bringing down the bird of thought as it flashes by. A writer is a gunner, sometimes waiting in the blind for something to come in, sometimes roaming the countryside hoping to scare something up.
E. B. White
Life is an end in itself, and the only question as to whether it is worth living is whether you have had enough of it.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
But my question is, am I compromising by adapting my words for the audience and where is the line beyond which I am not adapting words, but changing my position?
Joichi Ito
The principle of utility judges any action to be right by the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interests are in question... if that party be the community the happiness of the community, if a particular individual, the happiness of that individual.
Jeremy Bentham
It's hard to look inside a person to answer a question about why anybody wants to be president. I suppose a combination of ambition, ego, and a real feeling that he could make a difference and could accomplish some things. All you ever had to do for Jimmy Carter was to tell him something was impossible, and he would usually do it.
Hamilton Jordan
Before competition, I start to question things. I don't know why it happens, but you've got to control it so you don't get too far out of the race.
Adam Peaty
There is nothing there - no soul - there is only this question about after death. The question has to die now to find the answer - your answer; not my answer - because the question is born out of the assumption, the belief, that there is something to continue after death.
U.G. Krishnamurti