Trusted Quotes
A faith that hasn't been tested can't be trusted.
The worm is not to be trusted.
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
Few of them were to be trusted within reach of a trowel and a pile of bricks.
The people when rightly and fully trusted will return the trust.
I was deposed by a coup d'etat, by friends that I trusted and aided by the American Government.
Let no such man be trusted.
Quayle said the worst thing that happened to him was that he never trusted his own judgment. I said from now on I am going to go with my own judgment.
I've only ever trusted my gut on everything. I don't trust my head, I don't trust my heart, I trust my gut.
If you ask any police officer what the worst part of the job is, they will always say breaking bad news to relatives, but this is not the truth. The worst part is staying in the room after you've broken the news, so that you're forced to be there when someone's life disintegrates around them. Some people say it doesn't bother them - such people are not to be trusted.
Every man must some time or other be trusted to himself.
I'm eternally grateful to fate and the citizens of Russia that they've trusted me to be the head of the Russian government.
Accept disgrace willingly... Accept being unimportant... Surrender yourself humbly; then you can be trusted to care for all things. Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things.
How can a bureaucrat or a politician be trusted if he says loud words for the sake of Russia's good while trying to take his funds, his money abroad?
Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world.
Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?
Only men of character are trusted.
Nothing makes an actor feel freer and more inventive and more creative than being trusted.
Chess players, people who travel all over the world, should be trusted or else not sent anywhere at all. Why are these four people (Antoshion and three other official 'minders') sent along to supervise us? With their meagre experience, all that thay did was interfere, more than ever before. And when they were needed, they weren't to be found.
The people who knew me and knew my work and trusted me, they knew then as they do now that I've never fabricated or plagiarized a story. People who know me know I didn't do this.
He (Cato) used to say that in all his life he never repented but of three things. The first was that he had trusted a woman with a secret; the second that he had gone by sea when he might have gone by land; and the third, that had passed one day without having a will by him.
After forming a cadet corps of boys for assisting as noncombatants during a military campaign in 1900: We then made the discovery that boys, when trusted and relied on, were just as capable and reliable as men.
What happened in Ukraine? The coup d'état in Ukraine has led to a civil war, because, yes, let's say, many Ukrainians no longer trusted President Yanukovych. However, they should have legitimately come to the polls and voted for another head of state instead of staging a coup d'état. And after the coup d'état took place, someone supported it, someone was satisfied with it, while others were not. And those who did not like it were treated from the position of force. And that led to a civil war.
When I was growing up I never babysat. I was considered to 'punk rock' to be trusted with kids.