Reflects Quotes
Surf culture and surfing for me are two completely different things. Surf culture has become very – it's a very commercial, competitive thing, fashionable. With all due respect to the 'Surfer Dude' movie, I think the 'Surfer Dude' movie reflects that, reflects what surfing's become, but I come from a place where the surf industry began.
The physical malaise we feel when we travel reflects a desynchronizing of all the clocks that reside in our tissues.
There's nothing that reflects me. I'm unreflectable!
No person who examines and reflects, can avoid seeing that there is but one race of people on the earth, who differ from each other only according to the soil and the climate in which they live.
First, I eat healthy; it comes from the inside out. If you eat right, your skin, hair, nails will look good. The same if you have negative thoughts - they can give you a bad look, too; we reflect what we eat and think. We also taste and smell what we eat. Being happy and doing what I love really reflects.
The mirror reflects all objects without being sullied.
If we get a government that reflects more of what this country is really about, we can turn the century - and the economy - around.
I’m trying to make music that will last forever, not just for this wave. The thing is, your sound will grow when you grow. I’m always growing as a person, and my music reflects that.
How one treats other animals often reflects how one treats other humans.
I've been told I'm an old soul, but I'm only 25. I have the old with the new in me, and my house reflects that.
I think the music reflects the state that the society is in. It doesn't suggest the state. I think the poets and musicians and artists are of the age - not only do they lead the age on, but they also reflect that age. [...] Like The Beatles. We came out of Liverpool and we reflected our background and we reflected our thoughts in what we sang, and that's all people are doing.
This expansion reflects the substantial growth The Midland Company has experienced in recent years. The new building and the new training opportunities it represents will help keep us at the forefront of the industry.
For the sadness in legitimate humour consists in the fact that honestly and without deceit it reflects in a purely human way upon what it is to be a child.
Art is a game only if you playat it, a mirror that reflects from the inside out.
Every decision you make reflects your evaluation of who you are.
He who reflects on another man's want of breeding, shows he wants it as much himself.
In 1855, a former American slave remarked: "Tisn't he who has stood and looked on, that can tell you what slavery is - tis he who has endured."I think the same holds true for women's rights. The incredulity in the question, "What rights don't women have presently that they are marching about?" reflects a troubling disconnect that comes from power and privilege.
Life reflects your own thoughts back to you.
For me writing and filmmaking is a therapeutic process. It reflects themes that I'm going through at a time in my life.
This is the first time in my experience that the governor's office has asked to have someone on the selection committee. But that reflects the administration's interest in state parks.
Music reflects on who you are as a person.
I'm interested in how a lot of people pull objects together to form an environment that we feel reflects ourselves or makes us feel comfortable.
Wrestling with work-life balance is a luxury when working to support a family is a necessity rather than a choice. I think that focus is only partially a result of these tough economic times. I think it also reflects a bit of "having it all fatigue": women are worn out from feeling the pressure to excel at work, and be the perfect mom at home.
The more successful Navy SEALs there are, the more glory it reflects on the community and the better it is for our country.