Iran Quotes
Our sanctions do not give Iran the right to accelerate its nuclear program, it can never get near a nuclear bomb. We are looking very closely at that so it doesn't get below the one-year nuclear breakout time.
Iran is an escalating threat and this seemed like a timely visit on his way to Sochi.
The current relationship between Syria and Iran is abnormal. It is unprecedented in Syria's foreign policy history. A new Syria will be an indispensable part of the Arab League and it will work on improving the role of the Arab League and the role of Arab states regionally, specifically because they took a historic and unprecedented decision to back the Syrian people.
Hezbollah is not fighting for Syria. Hezbollah is not fighting for Iran. Hezbollah is fighting for Lebanon.
If the nuclear dossier is referred to the U. N. Security Council, Iran will have to resume uranium enrichment.
We should take stock on Iran and discuss how we might best pursue the nuclear file over the coming weeks, ... This might also be an opportunity to discuss what Iran's new government and its breaking of the Paris Agreement means for EU-Iran relations over the coming months.
Iran is the only country in the world that's threatening to erase another country from the map as part of a collective genocide.
As long as Iran's aggressive policies continue, it's going to be bad for the region. Iran has to decide whether it wants a revolution or a nation-state.
Any Israeli attack on Lebanon, Iran, Syria or Gaza will be met with a fierce response.
Iran will for sure have pledged to the international community that it will not develop a nuclear weapon, and now will be subject to an additional protocol, a more vigorous inspection and monitoring regime that lasts in perpetuity.
But since the end of the 1970s, at the beginning of the revolution in Iran under Khomenei, we have experienced a politicization of Islam. From the beginning, it had a primary adversary: the emancipation of women. With more men now coming to us from this cultural sphere, and some additionally brutalized by civil wars, this is a problem. We cannot simply ignore it.
Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means.
I'm blown away. I'm flabbergasted the president [Barack Obama] made the phone call to Rouhani after 30-plus, `79, 33 years or so. And there's a reason we haven't negotiated with Iran, because they're state-sponsored terrorists. They're the central bank for terrorism around the world.
I think Iran is the kind of place where it's difficult to predict what's going to trigger structural change. It's hard to also predict the role that civil disobedience or mass protests could play.
It was during George W. Bush's presidency that Iran mastered the nuclear fuel cycle, that they built covert facilities, that they stocked them with centrifuges, that they were spinning merrily away toward getting a nuclear-weapons program.
The reason that Americans have not been able to see the great strategic benefit that could accrue from a closer relationship with Iran is emotion.
In the annals of American blunders, the Bay of Pigs may have been even more feckless, and the invasion of Iraq more costly, but we cannot yet calculate the cost of teaching Iran and others, by our role in the casual overthrow of Moammar Gaddafi, the peril of not having nuclear weapons.
Any claim between the U.S. and Iran, any conflict is bad for Iraq.
We're the USA not going to go attack anyone. We're going to be really cool. We're not going to be exceptional anymore. Everyone's on an equal playing field. I mean that's dangerous. That's more dangerous than making this deal with Iran.
A nuclear-weapons armed Iran is not in anyone's human-rights interests. That is a direct threat to the lives and the livelihoods and the stability not only of the region but beyond.