Months Quotes
Bump in my hoopty hoopty hoop. I own that. And I aint payin my rent this month. I owe that.
I've completely fallen in love with the U.K., and I'd love to spend a couple of months a year there.
They had never been closer in their month of love, nor communicated more profoundly one with another, than when she brushed silent lips against his coat's shoulder or when he touched the end of her fingers, gently, as though she were asleep.
The only good Jap is one that's been dead six months.
Even when I cannot write, I know I am still a writer, just the way I know I am still sexual even if I have not had a lover for many months.
To all my fans who's saying Donald Glover about to blow, just give me six months so you can say I told you so.
I'm the flavor of the month.
The human body essentially recreates itself every six months. Nearly every cell of hair and skin and bone dies and another is directed to its former place. You are not who you were last November.
I have been younger in October than in all the months of spring.
The best part about having true friends is that you can go months without seeing them and they'll still be there for you and act as if you'd never left!
My first album was completed in three months.
Since 1989, we have been deploying on an average of every 18 months.
I don't think I could ever really be with a woman because that's a lot of... Yeah, there's a lot of estrogen and I'm a lot to deal with when it's that time of the month, so I can't imagine it times two.
I'm always on the lookout for something good about people. Often months go by.
The year 1999, seventh month, from the sky will come a great King of Terror: to bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
In theater, you've got to be aware of your whole body because it involves stamina. It involves two-and-a-half hours and a sustained release of energy, maybe for six months.
I'm sorry I didn't go to jail for six months, then I know you could come to see me anytime you wanted to.
I went to Jamaica for six months, and in Jamaica there was a lot of stillness.
Anyone can have bad sets. I saw one guy who I really love - I won't mention his name - gave a set that was really bad. And then one month later did the exact same set on our show and it was great.
The time frame for consular services would be made available within three months.
We expected, I expected to find actual usable, chemical or biological weapons after we entered Iraq. But I have to accept, as the months have passed, it seems increasingly clear that at the time of invasion, Saddam did not have stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons ready to deploy.
Invest less at the end of the month. Brokers tend to push stocks at the end of the month in an effort to match or surpass their previous month's sales.
In the case of some women, orgasms take quite a bit of time. Before signing on with such a partner, make sure you are willing to lay aside, say, the month of June, with sandwiches having to be brought in.
I've been accustomed to being famous and having a certain level of attention for 14 years, but in the last few months, it's changed. It's like on the arcade game, I've gone up to the next level.