Deeds Quotes
Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.
Do what good thou canst unknown, and be not vain of what ought rather to be felt than seen.
Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds.
Historically, and since, 1520, eighteen Treaties have been concluded between the Persian State and its western neighbours regarding its relations therewith including the question of borders. On all occasions, the Persian State chose the opportunity to violate the said Treaties whether by word or deed.
The vilest deeds like poison weeds Bloom well in prison air; It is only what is good in man That wastes and withers there; Pale Anguish keeps the heavy gate And the Warder is Despair.
A good painting should be the equivalent of a good deed.
Traditional history appears to be the defacto recognition of every evil deed that failed to be stopped or eliminated.
Words and deeds are far from being one. Much that is talked about is left undone.
When we want to read of the deeds that are done for love, whither do we turn? To the murder column.
Take account of your deeds before they are taken account of.
I probably wouldn't be a good spokesman for an electric car, because I'll still get on a private jet, and one flight on a private jet undoes all my electric-car good deeds.
Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our deeds.
Each thread of life that you leave, will spin around your deeds and dictate your needs.
We must make an issue, create an event, and establish a national position for ourselves: and never may expect to be respected as men and women, until we have undertaken some fearless, bold, and adventurous deeds of daring . . .
Our acts make or mar us, we are the children of our own deeds.
How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds makes ill deeds done!
The men who have furnished me with my greatest inspiration have not been men of wealth, but men of deeds.
Success has a great tendency to conceal and throw a veil over the evil deeds of men.
Great acts are made up of small deeds.
. . .It is the Law that while Evil, unopposed, may accomplish terrible deeds, the power of Good can never be overthrown when opposed to Evil. . .
To do good is difficult. One who does good first does something hard to do. I have done many good deeds, and, if my sons, grandsons and their descendants up to the end of the world act in like manner, they too will do much good. But whoever amongst them neglects this, they will do evil. Truly, it is easy to do evil.
History is the chronicle of divorces between creed and deed.
A good picture is equivalent to a good deed.
Surely if living creatures saw the results of all their evil deeds, they would turn away from them in disgust. But selfhood blinds them, and they cling to their obnoxious desires. They crave pleasure for themselves and they cause pain to others; when death destroys their individuality, they find no peace; their thirst for existence abides and their selfhood reappears in new births. Thus they continue to move in the coil and can find no escape from the hell of their own making.