Comfort Zone Quotes
Inspiration comes from displacement. Get out of your comfort zone, the rewards are legion.
You can't be a successful leader or mentor until you have served. You can't serve until you have stepped out of your comfort zone. And you can't step out of your comfort zone unless you have character and keep your word.
The miracle often lies outside our comfort zone.
Like any band, including mine, there's a comfort zone that's hard to escape. You kind of need an outsider to tell you that. You think it's your vocabulary, but it's a cocoon that's safe. Producers are supposed to tell you to try things a different way.
Each one of us has a comfort zone. The problem comes when we are unwilling to leave it.
To reach new areas, you have to get your brain out of its comfort zone. There are various ways to do it, but I believe the easiest is by training yourself in a neurological phenomenon called synesthesia, in which the brain makes unusual associations between things like sounds, colors and emotions.
The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place.
If you want to grow a muscle, you must lift something out of your comfort zone. Push beyond what is comfortable, if you don't there will be no growth.
My biggest fantasy as an actor is to be in situations that make me uncomfortable and force me out of my comfort zone.
When you're stuck sitting in a comfort zone, small problems become magnified. Get out of your comfort zone, touch the edge, and you come back with an appreciation for life.
The sooner you step away from your comfort zone, the sooner you'll realize that it wasn't really all that comfortable.
If people are telling you that they don't believe what you're doing, that means you're doing something out of their comfort zone. And generally, people don't want to be taken out of their comfort zone because it's outside of the status quo.
In my opinion, gentrification can sometimes affect what's happening on the ends. You're placing people in different places, moving them around, and you're taking them out of their comfort zone and into places they're not used to being in.
The thing about the Air Force or any branch of the military is that all of us were plucked away from our homes and our comfort zones and our families. So there was a solidarity in the military, a brotherhood.
We have to start encouraging people to step out of their comfort zones and start doing new things. Anything anybody does new, there are a bunch of naysayers.
People who don’t get out of their comfort zone don’t grow.
Nothing profound ever happens in your life when you remain in your comfort zone.
Our masterpieces are Shakespeare and Jane Austen and griots and Murasaki Shikibu, but they’re also J.K. Rowling and Chuck Palahnuik and Douglas Adams and Amy Tan and Suzanne Collins and Chinua Achebe. Read. Read them all. Read the books you love, and try to read books you don’t. Read the genres you love, but sometimes also read a book outside your comfort zone. Read voraciously.
I want to be tested beyond my comfort zone. I don't want to be safe if it is more interesting to be dangerous.
Don't be an extra in your own movie. Move out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid of feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Step-out and make it happen.
Everyone has a comfort zone. Worth considering: How hard (and how often) are you willing to work to get out of it? You can turn that into a habit if you choose.
Good at his job, I guessed, but probably not at ease with things that fall outside his comfort zone. He was going to love us.
A lot of teams against State worry so much about their backdoor cuts that they sag off. That's when State kills them with the 3. But Coach Williams sticks with his principles -- pressuring the ball, denying the passing lanes -- and that forces them to get out of their offense and get out of their comfort zone.
The best way to develop people is to constantly get them out of their comfort zone.