Definition Quotes
For me, creativity includes problem-solving. That's the broad definition of it.
A rock star, according to my definition, is someone who inspires people around him with something he is best at. In my case, it's music, but I wanted audiences to realise there is a rock star waiting to be unleashed within them as well.
The much vaunted male logic isn't logical, because they display prejudices against half the human race that are considered prejudices according to any dictionary definition.
The conventional definition of reality, and the idea of 'normal life', mean nothing.
Good luck trying to force Evie to do anything else once she has made up her mind. She is the definition of a stubborn, headstrong teenager.” “And you love me for it.” “I do.
By definition, as a Prime Minister I cannot be a liar.
Definition of Statistics: The science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures.
Honest change? Honest? Has someone altered the definition of the word while my back was turned, or have you recently developed a sense of humor?
I don't think women are, by definition, toxic to one another. I think women are simultaneously competitive toward and idolatrous of each other. I thrive on that challenge and that desire.
I take a very simple view that a violent extremist at some point previously been an extremist, and by definition is an extremist, so you do need to look at that non-violent extremism.
The definition of the problem, rather than its solution, will be the scarce resource in the future.
I don't think you can lead a nation if you don't have a definition of the nation. We have to define, as Democrats, what a nation is and embrace the entire nation.
I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.