Definition Quotes
As soon as I saw him again I could forget all this existed; I would be calm. Was that a definition of love: a force that can drug you with calm and help you forget all the sandpaper realities of the world?
The definition of public art to me means everything and means nothing because for me, all art is public. Art has to be public by definition and in a way It has to be accessible to any audience not just a work in a museum or an art gallery.
We face an essential need to reach a definition of terrorism that will enjoy wide international agreement, thus enabling international operations against terrorist organizations.
The popular definition of tragedy is heavy drama in which everyone is killed in the last act, comedy being light drama in which everyone is married in the last act.
By definition, remarkable things get remarked upon
The very idea of "managing" a forest in the first place is oxymoronic, because a forest is an ecosystem that is by definition self-managing.
The two sides of the equation are the same. We have a tautology. The definition is meaningless.
There is an old saying, The harder you try the luckier you get. I kind of like that definition of luck.
The best definition I have ever heard of a vocation is that it's the place where your great joy meets the world's great need. We need all of you to find your vocation. To develop your joys, your passions, and to match them to the world's great needs.
Our national media refuses to report that even the Supreme Court did not say marriage was a human right in all cases nor did it say that the heterosexual definition violated anyone's right or that the heterosexual definition of marriage was unconstitutional.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn’t matter what they are - they don’t get to change the definition.
I think the definition of an artist is not necessarily tied into excellence or talent; an artist is somebody who, if you took away their freedom to make art, would lose their mind.
Make treating yourself a priority and always remember your life is happening now. Don't put off all your dreams and pleasures to another day. In any balanced personal definition of success there has to be a powerful element of living life in the present.
I like the idea of not having a definition of love and romance. The greatest love stories have been about people who haven't come together. More stories like that need to be explored.
I guess everyone has their own definition of what folk is or pop or whatever. I find it incredibly hard to describe music these days.
Any definition of a successful life must include service to others.
Go wherever God says and you will be a success. Do whatever He tells you to do and you will win. Those two simple sentences sum up the entire definition for success.
We're training kids to do what computers do, which is spit back facts. And computers are always going to be better than human beings at that. But what they're not going to be better at is being social, navigating relationships, being citizens in a community. So we need to change the whole definition of what success in school, and out of school, means.
Home is the definition of God.
What's the definition of a good flame? One you agree with.
A recursive definition does not necessarily lead to a recursive process.
No citizen is apolitical; as a citizen, by definition, has to take interest in public affairs.
All theology knowingly or not is by definition always engaged for or against the oppressed.
My students sometimes ask: what is a fundamentalist? I give them a very simple definition. A fundamentalist is no fun, too much damn, and not enough mental.