Choice Quotes
Health is a matter of choice, not a mystery of chance.
Age is just a number, maturity is a choice.
Civility is a choice.
It is our choice of good or evil that determines our character, not our opinion about good or evil.
In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.
Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.
Art is violent. To be decisive is violent. ... To place a chair at a partial angle on the stage destroys every other possible choice, every other option.
We have to believe in free-will. We've got no choice.
A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.
If you are born an artist, you have no choice but to fight to stay an artist.
We have a choice..To Live or To Exist.
He knew that he was the stuff of which fanatics and madmen are made and that he had turned his destiny as if with his bare will. He kept himself upright on a very narrow line between madness and emptiness and when the time came for him to lose his balance he intended to lurch toward emptiness and fall on the side of his choice.
The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion.
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
I hate running. I know I'm curvier - I know I'm small, but I'm not ripped. But I make a choice to be that way. I realize my arms aren't as toned as Halle Berry's but I don't want them to be.
There is but one season of the year when salmon should be served hot at a choice repast; that is in the spring and early summer, and even then it is too satisfying, nut sufficiently delicate. The man who gives salmon during the winter, I care not what sauce he serves with it, does an injury to himself and his guests.
I want to have the great roles that move people profoundly. I want to have the choice and be given the opportunity to play those roles, and unfortunately, fame plays a huge part in that.
My sister is my sister regardless - has always been and always will be and has no choice about it. This is a love quite distinct from that of a lover, with whom we fall in love, in part, because they are free and have a choice.
I think actors have a choice of drawing attention to themselves or living on the outskirts.
Character is determined by choice, not opinion.
The United States was an innocent victim after September 11. It had never attacked or occupied Afghanistan. So therefore it had no choice but to go after the aggressors.
Conscious choice is creative. Unconscious choice is destructive. That is how we end up living other people's lives.
Whether we love, or close our hearts to love, is a mental choice we make, every moment of every day.