Sane Quotes
I quite agree with Dr. Nordau's assertion that all men of genius are insane, but Dr. Nordau forgets that all sane people are idiots.
To be sane in a world of madman is in itself madness.
If there wasn't a God we would have to invent one to keep people sane.
Farts come from no one and nowhere; they are anonymous emanations that belong to the group as a whole, and even when every person in the room can point to the culprit, the only sane course of action is denial.
No sane man can afford to dispense with debilitating pleasures. No ascetic can be considered reliably sane.
It is thanks to my evening reading alone that I am still more or less sane.
Living with depression is like trying to keep your balance while you dance with a goat -- it is perfectly sane to prefer a partner with a better sense of balance.
There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.
The rewards for being sane may not be very many, but knowing what's funny is one of them.
Years ago, in order to stay sane, I had to really make an effort not to think about how people view us. There's just so much noise, positive and negative, and not much good comes out of thinking about it.
When nuclear weapons were an elite club of five relatively sane world powers, the Left was convinced the planet was about to go ka-boom any minute, and the handful of us who survived would be walking in a nuclear winter wonderland. Now anyone with a few thousand bucks and an unlisted number in Islamabad in his Rolodex can get a nuke, and the Left couldn't care less.
I think what makes me different from the average Joe is that I feel free to be myself and express myself in the way that I want. If that makes you mad, we're living in a world of dire straits. If anything, it makes you more sane.
She had such a young sense of humor. Every single thing that went wrong or was funny for any reason, she laughed herself stupid about it -- it kept us all sane.
Music is my therapy and my straitjacket. Music keeps me sane and keeps my mind on something. It's fragile up there.
Suddenly the world has run amok and left you alone and sane behind
Nobody's cut out for this town," Shane said. "Nobody sane anyway." "Says the kid who came back." "Yeah, kind of proves my point.
When a madman appears thoroughly sane, indeed, it is high time to put him in a straight jacket.
A great poet ought to a certain degree to rectify men's feelings... to render their feelings more sane, pure and permanent, in short, more consonant to Nature.
Music kept me sane between acting jobs.
Rosie laughed in a not too reassuring way if you like sane laughter.
“It is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals. The hospital itself imposes a special environment in which the meanings of behavior can easily be misunderstood. The consequences to patients hospitalized in such an environment-the powerlessness, depersonalization, segregation, mortification, and self-labeling-seem undoubtedly countertherapeutic.”
A good rant is cathartic. Ranting is what keeps me sane. They always come from a different place. Take the prime minister, for example. Sometimes when I rant about him, I am angry; other times, I am just severely annoyed-it's an important distinction.
My friends and I are crazy. That's the only thing that keeps us sane!
Nothing shall I, while sane, compare with a friend.