Mature Quotes
I think whenever Ahmadinejad opens his mouth in forums, especially in front of the U.N. General Assembly, those that are listening, especially Western officials, European, American, even Chinese and Russian officials, I think, after listening to Ahmadinejad, they have even less confidence that there exists a mature political leadership in Iran which is amenable to some type of a diplomatic compromise.
Karim Sadjadpour
The more you mature, you realize that this imperfections make your more beautiful.
Destiny's Child
Men and women are different. I don't think men grow a brain until 26 or even 30. Girls mature a lot quicker.
Cyndi Lauper
Blue Angel
Caesar was too old, it seems to me, to go off and amuse himself conquering the world. Such a pastime was all right for Augustus and Alexander; they were young men, not easily held in check, but Caesar ought to have been more mature.
Blaise Pascal
The thing is, that when you're young, you always think you'll meet all sorts of wonderful people, that drifting apart and losing friends is natural. You don't worry, at first, about the friends you leave behind. But as you get older, it gets harder to build friendships. Too many defenses, too little opportunity. You get busy. And by the time you realize that you've lost the dearest best friend you've ever had, years have gone by and you're mature enough to be embarrassed by your attitude and, frankly, by your arrogance.
Kate Jacobs
I figured I'd discuss my views outside of partying. I went a bit deeper, and the music is a bit more mature.
I don't like it when people who are young act like they're 40. That's taking too much on. Putting up a shield and trying to act like you're so mature or whatever – I don't try to act mature. Some people might say I'm mature for my age, but it's not something I'm trying to do, you know? I'm just me.
Taylor Swift
But you're not really emotionally mature in your 20s. Well, we weren't. You don't say anything, you just bottle it up and then it builds up.
Keren Woodward
The American male doesn't mature until he has exhausted all other possibilities.
Wilfrid Sheed
The only way for white folks to reclaim the full arc of their humanity, the full trajectory of their ethical content, of their ethical identity, is to surrender the white innocence that prevents them from being fully mature.
Michael Eric Dyson
I can't believe people got so upset at the sight of a single breast! America is so parochial, I may just have to move to Europe where people are more mature about things like that!
Janet Jackson
So may'st thou live, till like ripe fruit thou drop Into thy mother's lap, or be with ease Gathered, not harshly plucked, for death mature: This is old age; but then thou must outlive Thy youth, thy strength, thy beauty, which will change To withered weak and grey.
John Milton
I can be immature. I know I can when I'm at my dance lessons or something. I become like the class clown. I don't know why. But I can flip in and out of it - if I need to be mature I can be mature, but if I want to have a bit of fun, I'll have a bit of fun.
Georgia Groome
I think voice is like a good wine. If you work it well, it will mature.
Vittorio Grigolo
And if you can come through that and still have some connection to your joy you felt when you were a child that's a very mature kind of a joy that I find inspiring. And Jennifer Lowrence has all that in her, and I've watched her have to go through it even in the last few years.
David O. Russell
As we mature through the years, we access more deeply information we had only abstractly understood before.
Marianne Williamson
Jenni Fagan is the real thing, and The Panopticon is a real treat: maturely alive to the pains of maturing, and cleverly amused as well as appalled by what it finds in the world.
Andrew Motion
A father's interest in having a child--perhaps his only child--may be unmatched by any other interest in his life. It is truly surprising that the state must assign a greater value to a mother's decision to cut off a potential human life by abortion than to a father's decision to let it mature into a live child.
William Rehnquist
This Government, the offspring of your own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy, and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment, has a just claim to your confidence and your support.
George Washington
I don't want anyone to follow me on Twitter if they're looking for anything interesting or mature.
Lauren German
The inducements of interest for observing [neutral] conduct . . . has been to endeavour to gain time to our country to settle and mature its yet recent institutions, and to progress without interruption, to that degree of strength and consistency, which is necessary to give it, humanly speaking, the command of its own fortunes.
George Washington
When a skater gets older, they become more mature, and they can assume more responsibility for their skating, ... That's how I've evolved. I know what works and what doesn't, and Mr. Nicks is a great coach for me.
Sasha Cohen
You, oh mature ones, keep company solely with other mature ones, and your maturity is so mature that it can only chum up with maturity!
Witold Gombrowicz
The immature man wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mature man wants to live humanely for one
Wilhelm Stekel