Card Quotes
I am richer than Davy Crockett. I can settle back and do what I want to do. And what I want to do is card tricks and magic.
The only lottery I've ever won was a $100 scratch-off card at age 16, and the 7-Eleven clerk who sold it to me said I was too young to claim my winnings.
I am not a good cue card reader.
I have a theory - if the music is good and you have good musicians, the name doesn't matter that much. There are a lot of examples of that. The name is just a calling card.
I liked the banana-seat bikes with the high handlebars - maybe a card in the wheel could have been part of it.
It's a life of five-card draw, and you know what? When God asked me - I'm fine with the card I got. I'm gonna play this.
When I came to Mumbai from Dubai to become an actor, I used to entertain people at parties by showing some card tricks.
I am here to change anything. I'm here to adapt. The critieria between a yellow and red card. What is a foul and what is not.
If you can't write your idea on the back of my calling card, you don't have a clear idea.
When you go card dead its torture just sitting there.
As an actor, you should always keep your trump card hidden from your audience. I want the audience to keep expecting more and more from me. I want to do 'different' work - good and memorable roles - so that audience appreciate me more. That's why I love to surprise my audience with something they never expect me to do.
Rather than be less Car'd not to be at all.
You have a song, and people know it. It's like a calling card for you.
The tarot card 'The Tower' seemed a chilling reflection of the events of September 11, 2001.
Check the card before you play. If you have a couple of long par 3s, put an extra hybrid in your bag. You'll be glad you did.
Kanban system directs each work center when and what to produce but, more importantly, it directs when not to produce. No card—no production.
I received a card the other day from Steve Early which said, "Don't Worry Me--I am an 8 Ulcer Man on 4 Ulcer Pay.
They're all good-looking. So we don't want to play that card.
War is absolutely the last card any national leader should play, and only when every other alternative has been exhausted. If the hand was being played by an old soldier, a war veteran, I can assure you he would guard that war card to the bitter end and play it reluctantly and with the fear and trepidation of experience.
He made a little adjustment. No one in here is worried about that guy. All you have to do is look on the back of his baseball card and know that everything is going to be all right.
You could call me a 'card-carrying feminist,' if there were a card to carry.