Cowardice Quotes
No one blames a pilot who takes refuge in port when the storm begins to blow. It is not cowardice to duck under a bullet; what is wrong is to defy it only to fall and never rise again.
All cowardice comes from not truly loving, or at least, not loving well.
Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice.
Fear has its use but cowardice has none.
Japan's biggest problems are conservatism and cowardice.
Conscience and cowardice are really the same things. Conscience is the trade-name of the firm. That is all.
The tyrant, who in order to hold his power, suppresses every superiority, does away with good men, forbids education and light, controls every movement of the citizens and, keeping them under a perpetual servitude, wants them to grow accustomed to baseness and cowardice, has his spies everywhere to listen to what is said in the meetings, and spreads dissension and calumny among the citizens and impoverishes them, is obliged to make war in order to keep his subjects occupied and impose on them permanent need of a chief.
Where it is a general rule that it is wrong to gratify lovers, this can be attributed to the defects of those who make that rule: the government's lust for rule and the subjects' cowardice.
Fear is not cowardice. Acting in a wrong and contemptible manner because of our fear is cowardice.
Non-violence and cowardice are contradictory terms. Non-violence is the greatest virtue, cowardice the greatest vice. Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Perfect non-violence is the highest bravery. Non-violent conduct is never demoralising; cowardice always is.
The tyranny of some is possible only through the cowardice of others.
Thin-lipped wisdom spoke at her from the worn chair, hinted at prudence, quoted from that book of cowardice whose author apes the name of common sense.
Cowardice is the greatest sin.
The way of cowardice is to embed ourselves in a cocoon, in which we perpetuate our habitual patterns. When we are constantly recreating our basic patterns of habits and thought, we never have to leap into fresh air or onto fresh ground.
Despair swallows up cowardice.
How many times did someone have to run in front of a machine gun before it became an act of cowardice?
Cowardice, the dread of what will happen.
Cowardice is not synonymous with prudence. It often happens that the better part of discretion is valor.
Non-violence should never be used as a shield for cowardice. It is a weapon for the brave.
I think if you are a musician, and artist, you have to have a certain courage. Repeating yourself or photocopying other's art... it's cowardice. If you actually risk your career to do something new, even if it's in a very small way, then it's art.
Cowardice, as distinguished from panic, is almost always simply a lack of ability to suspend the functioning of the imagination.
Cowardice asks the question, is it safe?
The greatest giver of alms is cowardice.
The only way to vanquish cowardice is to brandish courage.