Disruption Quotes
There's only so much academic disruption that a young child can deal with before he just can't catch up.
[Donald Trump] is talking a lot about redoing trade and that's the area that is getting globalists nervous. Number one, they want certainty. They do not want to see a disruption in trade. He's promising to rip up NAFTA, redo NAFTA. He's not going to do the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP trade with Asia.
Anthropological fieldwork is so much like writing a novel. Granted, you don't have the physical disruption and disorientation, but writing a novel is like entering a new culture. You don't know what the hell is going on. And every day you feel like you have nothing, you're going nowhere. Or you feel that first it's going somewhere, but then you get into that horrible middle part.
Hurricanes Floyd and Irene were cruel reminders that hurricanes can produce tragic loss of life and devastating economic disruption from inland flooding beyond a hurricane's damaging wind, storm surge or tornadoes.
The SPR is intended to provide relief at times when working families are struggling to make ends meet, and to counter the price shocks that accompany severe supply disruptions. Now is undoubtedly such a time.
The single factor most responsible for the disruption of the family is the automobile. Its full effect cannot be assessed. Modern life, as we know, would be impossible without the ubiquitous motorcar. It broke up the old family and community.
A lack of patience in trifling matters might lead to the disruption of great project.
We expect to also establish some form of community solidarity mechanism in the case if there is a gas disruption. I don't mean in this particular case, but in general.
I won't let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me.
It's a big tree, but it has ramified and exfoliated, ... would be an enormous disruption.
When backing companies, I always look for industries that are ripe for disruption.
They are not, and almost everybody accepts this, entitled to engage in seeking to disrupt the way our democracy operates by violence or threats of violence.
I worry about another leg down in the economies causing social disruption because deleveragings can be very painful - it depends on how they're managed.
We can reduce the effect of future disruptions by reducing our dependence on oil, not putting up more rigs and drilling our special places. The fact is, we cannot drill our way to oil independence.
A moment of disruption is where the conversation about disruption often begins, even though determining that moment is entirely hindsight.
Innovation and disruption are the hallmarks of the technology world, and hardly a moment passes when we are not thinking, doing, or talking about these topics.