Impress Quotes
In Europe they're more calm, more reserved. Here, in the States, people are more wild, a little more open. I guess it takes a lot to impress those people up there in Europe. Especially in London.
A short skirt and lots of makeup won't impress me.
Love, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do enough to satisfy themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much.
The more I try to impress people, the more I separate myself from them. Vulnerability attracts love.
Leah was solid in all three of her events. She will impress a lot of people this year.
Do not be taken in by 'insiderisms.' Fledgling columnists, eager to impress readers with their grasp of journalistic jargon, are drawn to such arcane spellings as 'lede.' Where they lede, do not follow.
To impress the idea of power on others, they must be made in some way to feel it.
Things don't really impress me. Memories impress me. It's not the toys, it's the people.
Good Charlotte's the first band we've ever been in, and back then, critics didn't matter. There were no rules. There was no one we had to impress.
Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress.
I collect art, and I drink wine... things that I like that I had never been exposed to. But I never said, 'I'm going to buy art to impress this crowd.' That's just ridiculous to me. I don't live my life like that, because how could you be happy with yourself?
Follow Your Bliss. Not someone else’s idea of your bliss. Not what you think should be your bliss. Not what you think would impress the crowd or appease the family. Your BLISS. What truly gets you giddy.
Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.
I don't preach or try to impress my views upon people.
One of the major things in any dance-based reality show is how smartly you can impress the audience and keep your cool throughout the show.
To be honest I had learnt martial arts for a girl. So I started learning the art to impress her, but eventually I started loving martial art more than the girl. So later it became a habit it became fun.
It is more important to influence people than to impress them.
When I went to the Association [ National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] I learned a few things by observation. One of the things that used to strike me was [Walter White] need to impress people, even just people who came into the office.
I've learned not to let it be the end of the world if a boy doesn't like you. I used to put so much effort into boys. I started playing guitar because I wanted to impress this boy. Then, I ended up in love with guitar and I didn't care about the boy anymore.
It's about time we stopped buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.
Those who seek to impress upon us that they are gentlemen will usually be found mistaken.
The goal of this presentation is to impress, rather than inform.
Much of the time I’ve spent trying to impress people has been a waste. The reality is people are impressed with all kinds of things: intelligence, power, money, charm, talent, and so on. But the ones we tend to stay in love with are, in the long run, the ones who do a decent job loving us back.
There is force and vitality in a first sketch from life which the after-work rarely has. You want a picture to seize you as forcibly as if a man had seized you by the shoulder! It should impress you like reality!